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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-4396

For data discovery, integrate a TAP service with both AAI and the current global science metadata tables

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    • SRCnet
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      BH1: Enable anonymous and authorized queries to the current global science (Rucio) metadata tables

      BH2: Re-use an open source TAP service that will be maintained by an SRCNet member

      BH1: Enable anonymous and authorized queries to the current global science (Rucio) metadata tables BH2: Re-use an open source TAP service that will be maintained by an SRCNet member
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      AC1: Documentation of changes required for services compatibility

      AC2: Service deployment and demo

      AC1: Documentation of changes required for services compatibility AC2: Service deployment and demo
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    • Team_RED
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      Step 2, change 1 - add support for admin to create schema - pull request - https://github.com/opencadc/tap/pull/168.

      Step 2, change 1 - add support for admin to create schema - pull request - https://github.com/opencadc/tap/pull/168 .
    • PI24 - UNCOVERED

    • PI24 PI24-PB SRC23-PB science-metadata-services service-integration


      Current global metadata services (TAP and Datalink) use libraries external to the SRCNet so changes and evolution are unclear if new requirements emerge from SRCNet developments. This feature is to replace the metadata TAP service with an OpenCADC TAP service with AAI integration so we can ensure evolution and support.

      The services comply with the latest IVOA DALI and VOSI standards, specifically supporting the availability and capabilities resources, and will closely follow the evolution of the TAP standard.

      Steps to be followed:

      1. Document the current science metadata schema
      2. Determine and implement changes to the OpenCADC youcat service to query the current science metadata (ObsCore)
      3. Deploy the youcat  service at a TBD site and configure for the current metadata tables

      This overlaps with SP-4267.

      Information from Magenta: https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/src/ska-rucio-ivoa-integration


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                Jesus.Salgado Salgado, Jesus
                Jesus.Salgado Salgado, Jesus
                0 Vote for this issue
                2 Start watching this issue

                Feature Progress

                  Story Point Burn-up: (0%)

                  Feature Estimate: 2.0

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do58.5
                  In Progress   00.0



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