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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-4345

Create a first version of the Shift Log Tool

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      The Shift Log Tool (SLT) is one of the main tools in the OSO suite and will find use in the early AIV and commissioning phases of the telescopes. An early first version will allow feedback on its appearance and features before entering real use in AA0.5.

      The Shift Log Tool (SLT) is one of the main tools in the OSO suite and will find use in the early AIV and commissioning phases of the telescopes. An early first version will allow feedback on its appearance and features before entering real use in AA0.5.
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      A first version of the SLT exists recording key "observing level" events from the ODA

      It is possible for the user to add free text comments to the log, which will be time-stamped.

      A first version of the SLT exists recording key "observing level" events from the ODA It is possible for the user to add free text comments to the log, which will be time-stamped.
    • 4
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    • Team_NAKSHATRA
    • Sprint 5
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • Team_NAKSHATRA


      Create a first version of the Shift Log Tool (SLT) that queries the ODA to create a "shift log" that records key events such as the start and end of EBs and SBI executions and reports the completion status of SBI executions.

      The first version should also allow free text entries by a user (the operator) that will be time-stamped (in UTC) and recorded alongside the harvested information.

      Also to include a first approach to persisting the log - possibly in the ODA, but a short investigation to the best approach might be useful.

      This builds on the spike SP-4085 which documents possible approach Possible approaches to harvesting filtered information from main three key databases, the ODA, EDA and the Log DB for Shift Log Tool - Software Engineering - SKAO Community Confluence (skatelescope.org

      <<to be elaborated>>


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                p.klaassen Klaassen, Pamela
                a.bridger Bridger, Alan
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                Feature Progress

                  Story Point Burn-up: (30.36%)

                  Feature Estimate: 4.0

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do1233.0
                  In Progress   26.0



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