Not Assigned
- The work of this feature contributes towards smoothing out SRCNet integration with HPC centers in the future
- Make progress on the document in the direction agreed to by the SRCNet and HPC communities, starting with the definition of user stories.
- Finish the use cases
- (Uncommitted) Requirements based off the user stories.
PI23 SRCNet0.x Team_Chocolate multi-team operations-and-infrastructure service-integration
This feature tracks the work associated with the HPC & SRCNet integration (mostly bound to the HPC CoP). The main goal is to work towards coming up with [user stories and requirements]( as building blocks towards a solid integration plan/strategy in collaboration with HPC centers. The plan is best explained in the introduction of the linked doc.
The nature of this work makes it hard to predict specific timelines and even specific outputs, as it is a multi-PI effort involving many parties, communities external to SRCNet, and therefore with many uncertainties along the way.