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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-4296

Establish and standardise environment representative directory structure for storing configuration data for deployments, and deployment mechanisms that use this structure, for AA0.5

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    • Enabler
    • Must have
    • PI24
    • None
    • None
    • MID ART, Services
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      Linking the environment configuration by using the standardised directory structure also used in the Gitlab pipeline definitions makes it easy to see at a glance how the deployments to an environment link up to the configuration in those deployments. If there is a seamless correlation between the way configuration data of environments and deployment information for those environments is stored, configuration can be automated using the already standardised CI machinery with a low amount of effort.

      Linking the environment configuration by using the standardised directory structure also used in the Gitlab pipeline definitions makes it easy to see at a glance how the deployments to an environment link up to the configuration in those deployments. If there is a seamless correlation between the way configuration data of environments and deployment information for those environments is stored, configuration can be automated using the already standardised CI machinery with a low amount of effort.
    • Inter Program
    • 3
    • 3
    • 0
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED


      Application Configuration Management (ACM), control, version, and security are inextricably linked with the Deployment mechanisms required for each kind of software product we have.

      With this in mind, the selection is driving towards Vault as the ACM solution that provides a loosely coupled integration to deployment options covering consultemplate, envconsul, csi-driver/injector, and helmrelease (fluxcd)

      This enabler is aimed at standardising the directory structures used, starting with repositories such as DishLMC and ska-mid-itf as prototypes, analysing deficiencies and room for improvement, and then driving deployments using a selection of the listed tools.


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                P.Harding Harding, Piers
                A.DeBeer De Beer, Adriaan
                0 Vote for this issue
                1 Start watching this issue

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                  Story Point Burn-up: (0%)

                  Feature Estimate: 3.0

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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