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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-4258

Rucio site naming convention and definitions of attributes

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      By standardising the nomenclature for Site names across SRCNet, we will achieve improved communication and reporting consistency. This standardisation  will facilitate easier cross-functional collaboration and integration of site-related data,  The uniformity in site naming will also enhance our ability to scale operations and to integrate new sites.
      Implementing a detailed and dynamic RSE attribute system will streamline our data management processes, ensuring data is stored efficiently, accessed quickly, and managed cost-effectively across diverse global storage infrastructures.

      By standardising the nomenclature for Site names across SRCNet, we will achieve improved communication and reporting consistency. This standardisation  will facilitate easier cross-functional collaboration and integration of site-related data,  The uniformity in site naming will also enhance our ability to scale operations and to integrate new sites. Implementing a detailed and dynamic RSE attribute system will streamline our data management processes, ensuring data is stored efficiently, accessed quickly, and managed cost-effectively across diverse global storage infrastructures.
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      AC1: Guidelines

      • The feature must provide a complete set of guidelines that includes naming conventions for all types of sites and planned data / rse type
      • The guidelines should address different geographical locations and any other relevant site characteristics.

      AC2: Ease of Implementation

      • The nomenclature must be easy to implement within existing systems without requiring extensive modifications.
      • Documentation should be clear and detailed enough that the Operations Group (or relevant other teams) can implement the names in the system without further clarifications.

      AC3: Scalability and Flexibility:
            * The nomenclature system should be scalable, accommodating the addition of new sites and RSE types without needing a major overhaul.
          * The system can adapt to include new attributes as needed without significant reconfiguration. 
           * It should be flexible enough to handle exceptions or unique situations that might arise.

      AC6: Acceptance and adoption:
          *  The resulting Guidelines and implementation proposal should receive the relevant approval to be adopted for SRCNet v0.1.


      AC1:  Guidelines The feature must provide a complete set of guidelines that includes naming conventions for all types of sites and planned data / rse type The guidelines should address different geographical locations and any other relevant site characteristics. AC2: Ease of Implementation ** The nomenclature must be easy to implement within existing systems without requiring extensive modifications. Documentation should be clear and detailed enough that the Operations Group (or relevant other teams) can implement the names in the system without further clarifications. AC3: Scalability and Flexibility :       * The nomenclature system should be scalable, accommodating the addition of new sites and RSE types without needing a major overhaul.     * The system can adapt to include new attributes as needed without significant reconfiguration.       * It should be flexible enough to handle exceptions or unique situations that might arise. ** AC6: Acceptance and adoption :     *  The resulting Guidelines and implementation proposal should receive the relevant approval to be adopted for SRCNet v0.1.  
    • 0.5
    • 0.5
    • 0
    • Team_PURPLE
    • Sprint 4
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • SRC23-PB SRCNet0.1 Team_PURPLE data-lifecycle


      Aim: to develop and implement a standardised site naming convention across SRCNet  that is fully compatible with Rucio data management practices. This feature will create a comprehensive, scalable set of guidelines for naming all types of sites and resources — Disk, Tape, Test, (non-pledged) RC Local space—ensuring consistency in data handling and ease of integration with the Rucio ecosystem. The system will support Rucio’s attributes for sites, such as RSE (Rucio Storage Element) tags and geographical identifiers, which are crucial for optimised data storage and retrieval. It will include (stretch goal) compliance checking tools to ensure adherence to the conventions, and appropriate documentation and guidance to align the conventions with other services that interact. 

      e.g. A naming scheme could follow: 
      [Region-][SRC_name][Site_name][Storage label]_[RSE type]

      1. Region

      • Definition: This part of the name identifies the geographic region or location where the site is situated. It can help in managing data across different locations and optimizing data access based on geographic distribution.
      • Example: EU_, NA_, (representing Europe, North America, respectively).
      • This may be better encapsulated in an attribute however for brevity of the RSE name

      2. SRC_name

      • Definition: This stands for the Source name, which could refer to the organization, department, or specific project within an entity that manages or primarily uses the site.
      • Example: SA, AU, UK, , ... .
        • Alternatively could consider; UKSRC or even SKA-UK to assert these are SRCNet rucio endpoints. 

      3. Site_name

      • Definition: This is the specific name of the site or facility. It distinguishes between different locations or operational units within the same region or source.
      • Example: RAL, CSCS, ....

      4. Storage label

      • Definition: This label describes the type or category of storage available at the site, which might indicate the storage technology or capacity features.
      • Example: PERF, BULK, SLOW.  XRD, DEV, ... .

      5. RSE type

      • Definition: RSE stands for Rucio Storage Element. This component specifies the type of RSE, which is critical for understanding how data is stored, retrieved, and managed in the Rucio system. It might also reflect the hardware or usage type of the storage.
      • Different RSE types (aka. space tokens) at the same site would use distinct physical locations in the storage (or different storage technologies). 
      • Example: DISK, TAPE, TEST, CACHE, LOCAL (e.g. for non-pledged SRC space).


      For the attributes, fields such as storage_type, region, qos_class can be incorporated to provide a rich and dynamic set of expressions for data placement. 


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                r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
                J.Walder Walder, James
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                  In Progress   11.0



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