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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-4248

Steps towards implementation and integration of the PSS control interface (PSS LMC)

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    • Enabler
    • Should have
    • PI23
    • COM PSS SW
    • Data Processing
    • Hide

      (see description)

      (see description)
    • Hide
      • Complete TANGO training
      • Update the Solution Intent documentation to reflect the current design
      • Work with the OMC ART to fix issues with the currently defunct PSS CTRL
      • Configure a simple, standalone test of PSS CTRL using manual input:
        • Given a <command> with an <argument>
          When the <command> is manually sent to PSS CTRL
          Then PSS CTRL successfully converts the <command> to pipeline arguments
          And PSS CTRL reports the pipeline and component <state>
      • Define the scope and size of the remaining PSS LMC work and engage with OMC teams to plan the required support
      Complete TANGO training Update the Solution Intent documentation to reflect the current design Work with the OMC ART to fix issues with the currently defunct PSS CTRL Configure a simple, standalone test of PSS CTRL using manual input: Given a <command> with an <argument> When the <command> is manually sent to PSS CTRL Then PSS CTRL successfully converts the <command> to pipeline arguments And PSS CTRL reports the pipeline and component <state> Define the scope and size of the remaining PSS LMC work and engage with OMC teams to plan the required support
    • 4.5
    • 3
    • 0
    • Team_PSS
    • Sprint 5
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • AA2




      Beneficiaries (Who)

      • PSI engineers; PSS developers


      Benefit Hypothesis (Why)

      The implementation and integration of PSS LMC will enable PSI and AIV engineers to control and configure the PSS pipeline using CSP.LMC or TMC, which will improve user experience of using the PSS software during testing e.g via using notebooks for the control and configuration commands. It will also align the method of controlling PSS with the that used for rest of the SKA software, thus integrating PSS into the SKA pipeline.


      Description (What?)

      This work will enable developers of PSS to contribute to the development of PSS LMC and to gain hands-on experience with the existing TANGO codebase, such that the amount of effort required in follow-up PIs can be estimated more accurately. As part of this process, the amount of effort to support PSS developers in the development of PSS LMC will be gauged by engaging with OMC teams and discussing the requirements of the PSS LMC interface with CSP.LMC and TMC. In addition, a standalone test demonstrating the basic functionality of the existing PSS CTRL TANGO device will be configured, using mock input and output configuration strings (i.e. the input will be manually sent to PSS CTRL and the output will not configure any pipeline), and the response of the device will be monitored and recorded.



        Issue Links




                A.Noutsos Noutsos, Aristeidis
                A.Noutsos Noutsos, Aristeidis
                0 Vote for this issue
                3 Start watching this issue

                Feature Progress

                  Story Point Burn-up: (11.43%)

                  Feature Estimate: 4.5

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do619.0
                  In Progress   212.0



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