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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-4243

Prepare Jupyter NB scripts for AA0.5 Integration Event test cases

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      These test scripts will allow an easier interface for AIV engineers and Science Operators to execute the AA0.5 Integration Event test cases without having to interact with the lower level systems at command level.

      The implementation of the script and thereby the dry run of these test scripts uncovers potential bugs which can be fed back to the Subsystem teams for a faster resolution.

      Assumptions to proceed to AA0.5 Integration Event:

      • All the integration tests are completed successfully in the LOW ITF
      • There are no blocker defects present in any of the Subsystems that impact the Integration activity.
      • Any non-blocker issues are raised as waivers and accepted.
      These test scripts will allow an easier interface for AIV engineers and Science Operators to execute the AA0.5 Integration Event test cases without having to interact with the lower level systems at command level. The implementation of the script and thereby the dry run of these test scripts uncovers potential bugs which can be fed back to the Subsystem teams for a faster resolution. Assumptions to proceed to AA0.5 Integration Event: All the integration tests are completed successfully in the LOW ITF There are no blocker defects present in any of the Subsystems that impact the Integration activity. Any non-blocker issues are raised as waivers and accepted.
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      Jupyter NBs for each test case are developed.
      Handover / training / minimal step-by-step guide on how to run those Jupyter notebooks is in place.
      Dry-run the test execution
      Note: Formal execution is out of scope for Vulcan if the interface is easy enough for Science Operators to formally run these tests.

      Jupyter NBs for each test case are developed. Handover / training / minimal step-by-step guide on how to run those Jupyter notebooks is in place. Dry-run the test execution Note: Formal execution is out of scope for Vulcan if the interface is easy enough for Science Operators to formally run these tests.
    • 2
    • 3
    • 0
    • Team_VULCAN
    • Sprint 3
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • Team_VULCAN


      Prepare the Jupyter NB test scripts for the following AA0.5 Integration Event test cases:
      TC.L.AA. SAT-CSP Integration Test Case
      TC.L.AA. CSP-SDP Integration Test Case
      TC.L.ITF. Compute Cluster-Networks Integration Test - TBC
      TC.L.ITF. NTP-Networks Integration Test - TBC

      Prepare Jupyter NB test scripts for integrating a station into the AA0.5 system. These tests are to be executed every time a new station is integrated to the AA0.5 System
      Note: These tests are still a TBD, once Low ITF IE Engineering model tests are written and proven to be valuable then the same tests will be repeated for AA0.5 as part the section below, the tests below are only a place holders at this stage)
      TC.L.AA. Station-CSP Integration Test Case (or TC.L.ITF. Science Data Stream Integration including TMC and OSO)
      TC.L.ITF. Non-Science Data Stream Integration
      TC.L.AA. OSO-TMC Integration Test Case
      TC.L.AA. TMC Interfaces Integration Test Case


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                Vani.Naram Naram, Vani
                Vani.Naram Naram, Vani
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                  Story Point Burn-up: (0%)

                  Feature Estimate: 2.0

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   13.0



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