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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-4089

Assess and demonstrate ICAL pipeline use cases for AA2


    • Spike
    • Must have
    • PI22
    • COM SDP SW
    • None
    • Data Processing
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      Understanding expected use cases for the major phases of AA2 will ensure the SDP pipelines will be able to perform as required both scientifically and computationally.

      Understanding expected use cases for the major phases of AA2 will ensure the SDP pipelines will be able to perform as required both scientifically and computationally.
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      • [HiPPO] Use case examples described as used in the self-calibration pipelines including an expected configuration for running the pipeline. This should include which algorithms are required for each stage of the pipeline.
      • [HiPPO] At present, since the current scope of the use cases are far beyond the capabilities of the Mid-Cal pipeline (scaling), HiPPO will make progress running real world datasets (EVLA) to exercise the pipeline making the first steps towards scientific use cases as the pipeline matures and improves.
      • Stretch: An example test run to demonstrate the use case is described with expected results. - not PI22
      • Stretch: Assessment of scientific and computational performance is described. - not PI22
      [HiPPO] Use case examples described as used in the self-calibration pipelines including an expected configuration for running the pipeline. This should include which algorithms are required for each stage of the pipeline. [HiPPO] At present, since the current scope of the use cases are far beyond the capabilities of the Mid-Cal pipeline (scaling), HiPPO will make progress running real world datasets (EVLA) to exercise the pipeline making the first steps towards scientific use cases as the pipeline matures and improves. Stretch: An example test run to demonstrate the use case is described with expected results. - not PI22 Stretch: Assessment of scientific and computational performance is described. - not PI22
    • 2
    • 2
    • 0
    • Team_HIPPO
    • Sprint 5


       There have been recent discussions with stakeholders to elaborate expected example use cases for commissioning and science verification purposes for AA2. This Enabler will perform a review of these use cases with the FO and stakeholders and assess the ability to use the current self-calibration pipelines to provide scientifically valid results. This should be demonstrated where possible with test runs and results.


      Miro feature frame with more details: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVN2k7zp0=/?moveToWidget=3458764579423416681&cot=14 


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                D.Fenech Fenech, Danielle
                D.Fenech Fenech, Danielle
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                Feature Progress

                  Story Point Burn-up: (63.16%)

                  Feature Estimate: 2.0

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do614.0
                  In Progress   13.5



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