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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-4081

Site capabilties listing extended to include services within CANFAR / SI / User Storage sites

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    • National SRC
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      Currently we have a Site Capabilities API defined and integrated into the ESAP gateway https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/src/src-service-apis/ska-src-site-capabilities-api. However most of the services being deployed within the mini-SRCNet demonstrator context are not yet visible here.

      It would be highly beneficial to collaborate on developing a way to integrate these two catalogues of services, with alignment around content where possible and with a view to enabling future (as yet unforseen) services to also be integrated.

      Currently we have a Site Capabilities API defined and integrated into the ESAP gateway https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/src/src-service-apis/ska-src-site-capabilities-api . However most of the services being deployed within the mini-SRCNet demonstrator context are not yet visible here. It would be highly beneficial to collaborate on developing a way to integrate these two catalogues of services, with alignment around content where possible and with a view to enabling future (as yet unforseen) services to also be integrated.
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      AC1: A living document or wiki has been created to collect all services by teams for PI22.

      • Services offered by each team or local SRC participating in the project have been identified and compiled.
      • The compiled information includes fields such as URL/IP, detailed description, responsible person, country of origin, service status, etc.
      • Initially, a designated responsible individual will gather this information by querying the local teams or SRCs in PI22.
      • A mechanism has been established to "advise" teams on including their services in the index, providing guidance and facilitating the registration process.
      • The document or wiki is accessible and available to all members of the SRCNet.
      • It will be regularly updated to reflect changes in services and ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information.

      AC2: Addition of "missing" services to site-capabilities API

      AC1: A living document or wiki has been created to collect all services by teams for PI22. Services offered by each team or local SRC participating in the project have been identified and compiled. The compiled information includes fields such as URL/IP, detailed description, responsible person, country of origin, service status, etc. Initially, a designated responsible individual will gather this information by querying the local teams or SRCs in PI22. A mechanism has been established to "advise" teams on including their services in the index, providing guidance and facilitating the registration process. The document or wiki is accessible and available to all members of the SRCNet. It will be regularly updated to reflect changes in services and ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information. AC2: Addition of "missing" services to site-capabilities API
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    • Team_TANGERINE
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      AC1: A new Confluence page has been created at https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SRCSC/Services+to+be+added+to+Site-Capabilities+API to allow other teams within the ART to specify the services they wish to be discoverable through the Gateway. At current time the Confluence page contains 32 entries.

      AC2: All services currently in the Confluence page have been added to the site-capabilities API, and are discoverable through the Gateway (see screenshot, attached).

      Any additional services added to the Confluence page will be added to the site-capabilities API by a Tangerine member as soon as possible. There will not be any changes to the API schema until a discussion has been had on exactly what information is required there.

      AC1: A new Confluence page has been created at https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SRCSC/Services+to+be+added+to+Site-Capabilities+API to allow other teams within the ART to specify the services they wish to be discoverable through the Gateway. At current time the Confluence page contains 32 entries. AC2: All services currently in the Confluence page have been added to the site-capabilities API, and are discoverable through the Gateway (see screenshot, attached). Any additional services added to the Confluence page will be added to the site-capabilities API by a Tangerine member as soon as possible. There will not be any changes to the API schema until a discussion has been had on exactly what information is required there.
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • SRCNet0.1 science-gateway service-discovery-service service-integration


      In this SRCNet environment numerous teams,  distributed across different countries and institutions, work together to design, develop, and deploy various prototypes and services essential for the SRCNet itself. These components may include data storage systems, processing platforms, software repositories, APIs, hubs,monitoring tools, DTNs, frontends, protocols, computing resources, software services and more.  

      The need to effectively coordinate and share information on the services developed and made available by the different teams (from PI15 onwards) is very important. Without a centralized system (wiki, repo, live document, other,...) to catalog/index and visualize these services, teams may struggle to discover and leverage resources that could significantly enhance their work.  This feature aims to address this challenge by providing a directory where teams can register and showcase the services they offer. This directory becomes a hub of information, facilitating transparency, collaboration, and efficient resource allocation across the SRCNet members/teams.

      Here is a list of features that I think are sufficient for now (can be organized by Team, for example):

      1. Semantic metadata of the service: (jsonld file) semantic metadata can provide additional insights and enhance the discoverabiliity and interoperability of the services. Thinking about the future, interoperability is key, and having the semantic description would be a plus for the discovery of services.{}
      2. Name: Short name of the service, platform, API, etc.
      3. URL/IP:  DNS, Address or IP address of the service.
      4. Detailed description: Information detailing the functionalities and capabilities of the service.
      5. Responsible person: Individual or team responsible for the maintenance and support of the service (Jira user, email, etc.)
      6. Location/Origin: Country/Location where the team or SRC responsible for the service is located.
      7. SRC or work team: Identification of the team or SRC that developed or manages the service.
      8. Service status: Current state of the service (available, shut down, in development, etc.).
      9. Service lifespan: Estimated duration of the service, if temporary.
      10. Permanent, long-term or temporary development: Indication of whether the service is permanent or temporarily in development.
      11. Version, Compatibility and/or integration requirements: Details about platforms, operating systems, or other dependencies necessary to use the service.
      12. Performance metrics: Relevant data on the performance of the service, such as response time, availability, and scalability.
      13. Security requirements: Specifications about security measures implemented in the service, such as authentication, authorization, and data encryption, if needed.
      14. Additional documentation: Links or references to additional technical or outcomes, documentation, tutorials, or usage guides for the service.


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                R.Barnsley Barnsley, Rob
                M.Parra Parra, Manuel
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                  Feature Estimate: 1.0

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