Must have
Obs Mgt & Controls
- Commissioning staff will be able to create SBDs in the ODT which allow them to run AA0.5 commissioning scenarios.
REL-1117 ODT UI v1.0.0 (minimal AA0.5 observation with projects)
Sprint 5
As AA0.5 approaches, we need an ODT that the commissioning team can use to create SBDs and run them on the telescope. This will require updates to the PDM and scripting to allow the telescope to be configured correctly (although this is also required for Notebook-driven observing) as well as updates to the ODT's SDB editor to expose the PDM parameters to the user. Some wire-framing discussions that included members of the commissioning team took place during PI21 and some of the outcomes from those can be included in the ODT for PI22.
The following is foreseen for PI22:
- An updated PDM that includes anything required for observation definition in AA0.5 that exists by the start of PI22. Perhaps most notably, this includes the concept of 'apertures' for Low. This will also require changes to scripting to allow the PDM to be converted to CDM. These changes will also be required for Notebook-driven observing
- The addition of a new set of screens to the ODT that allow a user to create projects and store them in and retrieve from the ODA. The concept of an Observing Block will also be introduced, this purely acting as a container for the project's SBDs. This will create the Project - Observing Block - SBD hierarchy foreseen by the OSO SAD
- An updated ODT SBD editor that is moving towards what is required for commissioning work at AA0.5. There will be a meeting early in PI22 to discuss the commissioning team's requirements. The SBD editor will include those parts of the PDM that are deemed relevant for AA0.5 observing and might incorporate some of the outcomes of the wire-framing process. Some simple helper functions might be incorporated (source coordinate look-up, shortcuts to standard frequency set-ups, etc.)
- Improved documentation.