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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-4006

Deploy reliable dynamic storage provisioner for Kubernetes infra on STFC Cloud

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    • SRCnet, National SRC
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      Currently, the STFC Cloud k8s infra uses the cinder storage provisioner to create and mount volumes on the k8s worker nodes for pods/applications to use. This is very clunky, time to provision is very high, and cinder storage is being decommissioned/phased out at STFC Cloud. 

      Volumes are not cleaned up properly and it is very cumbersome to spin up a new volume and attach it to the worker node every time, detaching and reattaching to a new node doesn't always work as expected.

      Currently, the STFC Cloud k8s infra uses the cinder storage provisioner to create and mount volumes on the k8s worker nodes for pods/applications to use. This is very clunky, time to provision is very high, and cinder storage is being decommissioned/phased out at STFC Cloud.  Volumes are not cleaned up properly and it is very cumbersome to spin up a new volume and attach it to the worker node every time, detaching and reattaching to a new node doesn't always work as expected.
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      New storage provisioner deployed on the capi-workload cluster. 

      Demonstrate existing service using the new storage provisioner. 

      New storage provisioner deployed on the capi-workload cluster.  Demonstrate existing service using the new storage provisioner. 
    • Overdue
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • Team_Magenta technical_debt


      Currently, the STFC Cloud k8s infra uses the cinder storage provisioner to create and mount volumes on the k8s worker nodes for pods/applications to use. This is very clunky, time to provision is very high, and cinder storage is being decommissioned/phased out at STFC Cloud. 

      This feature would be to deploy either the rook storage provisioner and a Ceph cluster (done before, was mostly straightforward but would do this with ansible this time), or deploy Longhorn to use existing storage on the nodes. 


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                r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
                r.joshi Joshi, Rohini
                0 Vote for this issue
                2 Start watching this issue

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                  Feature Estimate: 0.0

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                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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