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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3926

Software repository for the Mini-SRCNet demonstrator (MSND)

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    • SRCnet
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      Deploying a dedicated Harbour instance for the Mini-SRCNet demonstrator (MSND) will enhance the efficiency of container management within the OpenCADC science platform. This feature aims to establish a seamless process for maintaining separate repositories for MSND and SpanishSRC users on the same Harbour instance, facilitating a more organised and accessible environment for deploying and utilising container images.

      Deploying a dedicated Harbour instance for the Mini-SRCNet demonstrator (MSND) will enhance the efficiency of container management within the OpenCADC science platform. This feature aims to establish a seamless process for maintaining separate repositories for MSND and SpanishSRC users on the same Harbour instance, facilitating a more organised and accessible environment for deploying and utilising container images.
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      AC1: Harbour Instance Deployment and Integration: The new Harbour instance for the Mini-SRCNet demonstrator (MSND) must be successfully deployed on a production Kubernetes (k8s) cluster. Verification: Confirmation from the deployment team and validation that the Harbour instance is seamlessly connected to at least one of the deployed Science platforms on the MSND and a demo must show this instance working.

      AC1: Harbour Instance Deployment and Integration: The new Harbour instance for the Mini-SRCNet demonstrator (MSND) must be successfully deployed on a production Kubernetes (k8s) cluster. Verification: Confirmation from the deployment team and validation that the Harbour instance is seamlessly connected to at least one of the deployed Science platforms on the MSND and a demo must show this instance working.
    • Intra Program
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    • Team_CORAL
    • Sprint 5
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      Installation: https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SRCSC/COR-531+%5BMSND+repo%5D+SP+-+Create+a+local+project+to+upload+local+software

      Link to the platform: 


      Access to the admin console by registered users (mparra, jsanchez).

      Then if you want to access to public images, you will need docker:

      • Access to the public images catalogue of the workflow repository by using:
        docker pull spsrc26.iaa.csic.es/src-workflows/source-finding:v9
        docker pull spsrc26.iaa.csic.es/src-workflows/source-finding:v8
        docker pull spsrc26.iaa.csic.es/src-workflows/cross-matching:v4
        docker pull spsrc26.iaa.csic.es/src-workflows/cross-matching:v3
      • Access to public images from CANFAR Registry availables within the SciencePortal (https://spsrc25.iaa.csic.es/science-portal/):
        docker pull spsrc26.iaa.csic.es/science-portal/mcmc-notebook:v1
        docker pull spsrc26.iaa.csic.es/science-portal/desktop:1.0.0
        docker pull spsrc26.iaa.csic.es/science-portal/carta:4.0


      Installation:  https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SRCSC/COR-531+%5BMSND+repo%5D+SP+-+Create+a+local+project+to+upload+local+software Link to the platform:  https://spsrc26.iaa.csic.es/ [docker://spsrc26.iaa.csic.es/] Access to the admin console by registered users (mparra, jsanchez). Then if you want to access to public images, you will need docker: Access to the public images catalogue of the workflow repository by using: docker pull spsrc26.iaa.csic.es/src-workflows/source-finding:v9 docker pull spsrc26.iaa.csic.es/src-workflows/source-finding:v8 ... docker pull spsrc26.iaa.csic.es/src-workflows/cross-matching:v4 docker pull spsrc26.iaa.csic.es/src-workflows/cross-matching:v3 ... Access to public images from CANFAR Registry availables within the SciencePortal ( https://spsrc25.iaa.csic.es/science-portal/): docker pull spsrc26.iaa.csic.es/science-portal/mcmc-notebook:v1 docker pull spsrc26.iaa.csic.es/science-portal/desktop:1.0.0 docker pull spsrc26.iaa.csic.es/science-portal/carta:4.0 ...  
    • 22.2
    • Stories Completed, Outcomes Reviewed, Demonstrated, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • PI21-PB Science_Platform Software_Sharing


      In PI20 the OpenCADC science platform (based on CANFAR) has been deployed on some of the sites of the MSND. This platform allows users to create and access a computing environment where they can execute their codes.  The computing environment is defined by "type" (this is either notebook, desktop, CARTA session ( the visualization tool) or contributed) and the "container image" (this is a list of containers that can be used). The list of container images are provided by a Harbour instance running on CADC.

      Note: We think this is related to a feature suggested by Severin about to "enable CI/CD of container images with metadata using the OCI model". While Severin's one (as far as I understand) is about to improve the method to ingest new container versions to the repository , this one is to have our own instance so we can play/learn/study how to manage software repositories and the connection with the Science platform.


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                M.Parra Parra, Manuel
                M.Parra Parra, Manuel
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                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 2.0

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                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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