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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3884

CANFAR Science Platform User Container CI/CD

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    • SRCnet
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      Continuous Integration (CI) and Delivery (CD) in github for Docker images will:

      1. provide a consistent level of Docker build and skaha execution quality for all images available from Science Platform registries
      2. reduce the amount of manual intervention, and therefore the amount of time required to create and update contributed images
      3. make it easier for users who are unfamiliar with Docker image maintenance to contribute 
      4. ensure consistency with Open Container Initiative (OCI) Image Specification manifests (https://github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/blob/main/manifest.md)
      Continuous Integration (CI) and Delivery (CD) in github for Docker images will: provide a consistent level of Docker build and skaha execution quality for all images available from Science Platform registries reduce the amount of manual intervention, and therefore the amount of time required to create and update contributed images make it easier for users who are unfamiliar with Docker image maintenance to contribute  ensure consistency with Open Container Initiative (OCI) Image Specification manifests ( https://github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/blob/main/manifest.md )
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      AC 1: Update an image definition via CI/CD.

      AC 2: Launch an interactive container using the session type from the image.

      AC 3: Add to the new SRCNet documentation site where appropriate https://ska-telescope.gitlab.io/src/kb/ska-src-docs-operator/ (if an entry for CANFAR has not yet been populated, this AC is non-blocking)

      AC 1: Update an image definition via CI/CD. AC 2: Launch an interactive container using the session type from the image. AC 3: Add to the new SRCNet documentation site where appropriate https://ska-telescope.gitlab.io/src/kb/ska-src-docs-operator/ (if an entry for CANFAR has not yet been populated, this AC is non-blocking)
    • 1
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    • 0
    • PI24 - UNCOVERED

    • PI24-PB SRC23-PB SRCNet0.x science-platform-services


      Enable CI/CD of contributed container images with metadata using the OCI model. May be a precursor feature for Execution Broker (EB) as metadata necessary for EB will be part of the OCI manifest.


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                r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
                s.gaudet Gaudet, Séverin
                0 Vote for this issue
                1 Start watching this issue

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                  Feature Estimate: 1.0

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                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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