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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3857

Demonstrate a repeatable model for establishing XrootD servers at SRC sites

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    • National SRC
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      • • We believe that, to establish consistency between sites, we need a repeatable deployable model for being able to transfer data between sites
      • Test – To test this, we will establish a set of scripts / instructions that can be used with minimal additional guidance or intervention for the installation and configuration of XrootD.
      • Metrics – As close to a green-field site as is possible will be able to configure XrootD with minimal reference back to the originator of the instructions.
      • Success Criteria – We will measure the success of this if, following installation of the XrootD, a site can successfully transfer data to and receive data from another site.
      • Timebox – The hypothesis will be established a tested within PI-21
      • Lessons learned – From this exercise, we will have learnt to what extent a standard set of instructions on how to set up a site can be created and to identify where site-specific modifications to these instructions is likely to be required.
      Minimum Viable Product*
      • Successful installation of XrootD, using a repeatable set of instructions, to establish an operational file transfer capability capable of sending and receiving SKAO-like data to and from sites.

      • • We believe that, to establish consistency between sites, we need a repeatable deployable model for being able to transfer data between sites • Test – To test this, we will establish a set of scripts / instructions that can be used with minimal additional guidance or intervention for the installation and configuration of XrootD. • Metrics – As close to a green-field site as is possible will be able to configure XrootD with minimal reference back to the originator of the instructions. • Success Criteria – We will measure the success of this if, following installation of the XrootD, a site can successfully transfer data to and receive data from another site. • Timebox – The hypothesis will be established a tested within PI-21 • Lessons learned – From this exercise, we will have learnt to what extent a standard set of instructions on how to set up a site can be created and to identify where site-specific modifications to these instructions is likely to be required. Minimum Viable Product* • Successful installation of XrootD, using a repeatable set of instructions, to establish an operational file transfer capability capable of sending and receiving SKAO-like data to and from sites.
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      A standard set of instructions on how to set up a site will have been created.
      The need for any site-specific modifications to these instructions will be identified.

      Business Outcome
      • A repeatable process for setting up a site for the purposes of data transfers will have been successfully demonstrated
      • The need for site-specific configuration will have been established

      Leading Indicators
      • XrootD can be successfully installed at Cambridge using the instructions already created by RAL

      A standard set of instructions on how to set up a site will have been created. The need for any site-specific modifications to these instructions will be identified. Business Outcome • A repeatable process for setting up a site for the purposes of data transfers will have been successfully demonstrated • The need for site-specific configuration will have been established Leading Indicators • XrootD can be successfully installed at Cambridge using the instructions already created by RAL
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • Teal-B operations-and-infrastructure


      Please see Hypothesis.


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                r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
                D.Watson Watson, Duncan
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