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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3856

Demonstrate sustained high rate inter-continental transfers from memory-to-memory

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    • Feature
    • Could have
    • PI21
    • None
    • SRCnet
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      • We believe that, for SRCNet to be viable, we need to be able to transfer a large volume of data between storage elements on a sustainable basis beyond national boundaries.
      • Test – To emable tuning of the transfers without being inpacted by storage read/write speeds this, we will establish a means of transferring multi-terabyte data volumes between the UK and other sites outside of Europe from memory-to-memory (ie without touching storage).
      • Metrics – a range of file sizes from 1 ~ 500 GB will be transferred from various sites in the UK to a non-European SRC node on a daily basis with a failure / retransmission rate of less than 0.1 %
      • Success Criteria – We will measure the success of this by being able to consistently transfer data volumes of this size, bidirectionally, between two such sites, daily, over a period of multiple successive days.
      • Timebox – The hypothesis will be established a tested within PI-21
      • Lessons learned – From this exercise, we will have learnt how to overcome anticipated issues that are likely to occur when trying to transfer large volumes of data over significant distances insofar as the links themselves are concerned (since these are not disk-to-disk transfers these tests will set the maximum speed)
      Minimum Viable Product*
      • Successful uni-directional inter-continental transfer of a 10GB data file between two nodes in memory-to-memory transfer

      • We believe that, for SRCNet to be viable, we need to be able to transfer a large volume of data between storage elements on a sustainable basis beyond national boundaries. • Test – To emable tuning of the transfers without being inpacted by storage read/write speeds this, we will establish a means of transferring multi-terabyte data volumes between the UK and other sites outside of Europe from memory-to-memory (ie without touching storage). • Metrics – a range of file sizes from 1 ~ 500 GB will be transferred from various sites in the UK to a non-European SRC node on a daily basis with a failure / retransmission rate of less than 0.1 % • Success Criteria – We will measure the success of this by being able to consistently transfer data volumes of this size, bidirectionally, between two such sites, daily, over a period of multiple successive days. • Timebox – The hypothesis will be established a tested within PI-21 • Lessons learned – From this exercise, we will have learnt how to overcome anticipated issues that are likely to occur when trying to transfer large volumes of data over significant distances insofar as the links themselves are concerned (since these are not disk-to-disk transfers these tests will set the maximum speed) Minimum Viable Product* • Successful uni-directional inter-continental transfer of a 10GB data file between two nodes in memory-to-memory transfer
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      A range of data volumes from 1 ~ 500 GB will be transferred between various sites in the UK and non-European nodes on a daily basis with a failure / retransmission rate of less than 0.1 %

      Leading Indicators
      • Inter-continental nodes can achieve connectivity
      • Small volume data flows of circa 10 GB can be transferred between (memory at) two inter-continental nodes with acceptable 0.1% retransmission rates and throughput
      • Large data flows (size???) can be successfully transferred between two inter-continental sites on a one-off basis

      Business Outcomes
      • Sustained high-volume inter-continental data flow transfers will have been successfully demonstrated, with throughput measured and reported.
      • A software and hardware configuration required to achieve such transfers will have been documented, with sortware added to the SKA Gitlab repository.

      Metrics A range of data volumes from 1 ~ 500 GB will be transferred between various sites in the UK and non-European nodes on a daily basis with a failure / retransmission rate of less than 0.1 % Leading Indicators • Inter-continental nodes can achieve connectivity • Small volume data flows of circa 10 GB can be transferred between (memory at) two inter-continental nodes with acceptable 0.1% retransmission rates and throughput • Large data flows (size???) can be successfully transferred between two inter-continental sites on a one-off basis Business Outcomes • Sustained high-volume inter-continental data flow transfers will have been successfully demonstrated, with throughput measured and reported. • A software and hardware configuration required to achieve such transfers will have been documented, with sortware added to the SKA Gitlab repository.
    • Team_TEAL
    • Sprint 5
    • 21.5
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • PI21-PB Teal-B


      To be able to undertake regular and consistent large volume data transfers between two points on different continents, most likely Australia and a European site. Memory-to-memory transfers only to enable understanding / tuning of link througput without being impacted by storage speed.


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                r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
                D.Watson Watson, Duncan
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                1 Start watching this issue

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                  In Progress   10.0



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