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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3812

CLONE - Cutout workflow using SODA

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    • Feature
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    • PI20
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    • SRCnet
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      Integrating a workflow with a remote operations service (e.g. SODA) and comparing performance with a centralised approach moving data has a high impact on the SRCNet architecture definition. If the performance is improved, same approach could be done for other workflows (including the definition of other remote services apart from the cut-out operations)

      I ntegrating a workflow with a remote operations service (e.g. SODA) and comparing performance with a centralised approach moving data has a high impact on the SRCNet architecture definition. If the performance is improved, same approach could be done for other workflows (including the definition of other remote services apart from the cut-out operations)
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      AC1: A report and demo with information about the performance of the execution of both workflows

      AC2: The workflow with remote operations is added to the public example workflows repository

      AC1 : A report and demo with information about the performance of the execution of both workflows AC2 : The workflow with remote operations is added to the public example workflows repository
    • Team_CORAL
    • Sprint 4
    • 20.2
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • PI20-PB


      In last PI it was developed a cut-out workflow which 1) queries LoTSS archive to get the datasets, 2) makes the cutouts and 2) stores them as png/fits.Now, we would like to use the SODA service developed by Orange team to do the same tasksĀ  in order to compare performance, so we will need to use as input data large datasets (similar size to SKA data, e.g. data for the SDC)We would need
      1) to modify the LoTSS cut-out workflow, to ensure the workflow access TB-size datasets (accessing other catalogues or mimicking this part)
      2) in coordination with orange, to feed the SODA service with the same TB-size datasets


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                r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
                r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
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