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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3701

SKA Release and Deployment Flow

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      The release and deployment flow for a project has many uncertainties at the moment regarding deployment process, ci/cd flow, configuration management and deployment responsibilities. This coupled with the lack of usage of existing tooling available makes it hard for teams and the project the align on a unified approach. This features tries to address this with below mindset:

      In the last months/year(s) many CICD tools have been prepared and shared with teams by ST and !# but not many of them have been used (digested) by teams (examples are the k8s tango operator or the shared environment). The result is that when a change is made into a component repository, the continuous integration of it with other components is not really happening anywhere (i.e. skampi not updated, tests not aligned)

      The release and deployment flow for a project has many uncertainties at the moment regarding deployment process, ci/cd flow, configuration management and deployment responsibilities. This coupled with the lack of usage of existing tooling available makes it hard for teams and the project the align on a unified approach. This features tries to address this with below mindset: In the last months/year(s) many CICD tools have been prepared and shared with teams by ST and !# but not many of them have been used (digested) by teams (examples are the k8s tango operator or the shared environment). The result is that when a change is made into a component repository, the continuous integration of it with other components is not really happening anywhere (i.e. skampi not updated, tests not aligned)
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      • The unified approach  for Software CI/CD, release and deployment are implemented to increase the frequency integration cycle
      • The approach is used with OMC/DP teams in a co-located shared sessions to move them to the process while educating the teams
      • The selected teams should be able to integrate/release a change in a day at the end
      • Missing/unclear documentation from the sessions are highlighted and fed into SP-3703
      The unified approach  for Software CI/CD, release and deployment are implemented to increase the frequency integration cycle The approach is used with OMC/DP teams in a co-located shared sessions to move them to the process while educating the teams The selected teams should be able to integrate/release a change in a day at the end Missing/unclear documentation from the sessions are highlighted and fed into SP-3703
    • Inter Program
    • 3
    • 3
    • 0
    • Team_KAROO, Team_SYSTEM
    • Sprint 5
    • Overdue
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      It is now possible to deploy to the ITF envrinmoent from Gitlab pipeline jobs.

      See the deployment procedure here :https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/ska-dish-lmc/-/pipelines/1078212310 , specifically the `deploy-lmc-to-itf-karoo-sims` stage as an example.

      Sample deployment (Dish.LMC + Karoo simulators) is available here: https://k8s.miditf.internal.skao.int/miditf-lmc-003-karoo-sims/taranta/devices

      It is now possible to deploy to the ITF envrinmoent from Gitlab pipeline jobs. See the deployment procedure here : https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/ska-dish-lmc/-/pipelines/1078212310  , specifically the `deploy-lmc-to-itf-karoo-sims` stage as an example. Sample deployment (Dish.LMC + Karoo simulators) is available here:  https://k8s.miditf.internal.skao.int/miditf-lmc-003-karoo-sims/taranta/devices


      Identify a solution that results in faster deployments and feedback (SOL G6) without adding new complexity for developers while capturing different use cases of CI and CD for different teams (Software, AIV, Science) across different environments (STFC, PSI, ITF, AA0.5, AA1.0) The work needs collaboration commitment from 2 teams while implementing so that we work with the "customer" Details will be finalised before PI.

      Shared Sessions with teams (how many?) for getting them to use the latest and best of CI/CD and Tools (refer to roadmap feature)


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                m.deegan Deegan, Miles
                U.Yilmaz Yilmaz, Ugur
                0 Vote for this issue
                2 Start watching this issue

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                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 3.0

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                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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