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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3700

Design and management of etcd deployment within the SDP for AA0.5

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      etcd is a highly available, distributed key/value store, which has been selected as the solution for the SDP configuration database.

      As with any other database, the SDP configuration DB needs a strategy and design for the deployment and management of a highly available solution in the production environment.

      This feature gathers the requirements, and proposes a design for the deployment and management of a highly available etcd solution that integrates with the current delivery tools and environments supporting development, test, and production for AA0.5

      etcd is a highly available, distributed key/value store, which has been selected as the solution for the SDP configuration database. As with any other database, the SDP configuration DB needs a strategy and design for the deployment and management of a highly available solution in the production environment. This feature gathers the requirements, and proposes a design for the deployment and management of a highly available etcd solution that integrates with the current delivery tools and environments supporting development, test, and production for AA0.5
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      In confluence:

      • the operational requirements for the SDP configuration database are identified and documented
      • a strategy for managing (deployment, upgrade, configuration) of etcd is documented so that it can be implemented to coexist with the existing software delivery and deployment infrastructure
      In confluence: the operational requirements for the SDP configuration database are identified and documented a strategy for managing (deployment, upgrade, configuration) of etcd is documented so that it can be implemented to coexist with the existing software delivery and deployment infrastructure
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    • Team_BANG
    • Sprint 3
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • Team_BANG Team_DPPT
    • Low G3 Mid G3


      Design and management of etcd deployment within the SDP for AA0.5


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                p.wortmann Wortmann, Peter
                P.Harding Harding, Piers
                0 Vote for this issue
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                Feature Progress

                  Story Point Burn-up: (0%)

                  Feature Estimate: 1.0

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do13.0
                  In Progress   12.0



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