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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-368

TALON-DX Simulation Environment Design

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      The completion of the TALON-DX board support package is critical to users of the TALON-DX board.  These users include:

      1. CIPA team developing DSH and SDP interface verification systems
      2. DSH SPFRx Team developing Band 1/2 Digitizer prototype
      The completion of the TALON-DX board support package is critical to users of the TALON-DX board.  These users include: CIPA team developing DSH and SDP interface verification systems DSH SPFRx Team developing Band 1/2 Digitizer prototype
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      High level design document complete, reviewed and accepted.

      Detailed design complete, reviewed and accepted.

      High level design document complete, reviewed and accepted. Detailed design complete, reviewed and accepted.
    • 2
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    • Team_CIPA
    • 13.1
    • PI24 - UNCOVERED


      The TALON-DX signal processing board is an expensive piece of equipment and it is likely that the number of prototype boards available during the bridging period and early construction will make the availability of TALON-DX boards a critical component in the development schedule.  Since the HPS on the TALON-DX runs Linux, it is possible to do the bulk of software development and testing using a generic Linux server rather than a TALON-DX board.

      The key component required to make this an effective approach for testing M&C software is to be able to simulate the behavior of firmware IP blocks (from a M&C point of view) on a standard Linux server.

      The basis of the solution is to use a test version of the libip to direct register access commands to a simulator, which will use scripts to model IP block behavior to populate status registers and respond to changes in control registers.

      This feature is to define the high level design for the simulation environment and contains the following tasks.

      1. Determine simulation environment requirements
      2. Write and review high level design document
      3. Sent the 1st draft of the documents for review.
      4. Update the document as per review comments. 


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                b.alachkar Alachkar, Bassem
                m.pleasance Pleasance, Michael
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                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 2.0

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                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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