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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3672

Implement status entities for ODA

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      As a member of Science Operations, I want ODA entities to have an associated status so that I can calculate properties such as the completion state of an SBD and the overall project status.

      As a member of Science Operations, I want ODA entities to have an associated status so that I can calculate properties such as the completion state of an SBD and the overall project status.
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      Design and implement status entities in the ODA such that:

      1. the design and content of status entities, including a preliminary enumeration of entity states, is elaborated and documented;
      2. the ODA implementation allows at least SBI status entities to be created and updated;
      3. if the decision is that data entities should have a status attribute, the status attribute of a retrieved entity mirrors that of the associated state entity.
      4. It is possible to update the status of an entity via a status entity update, using the PTT: This will be necessary in Operations (by suitably authorised staff) and also provides a good way to test and demonstrate in the short term.
      Design and implement status entities in the ODA such that: the design and content of status entities, including a preliminary enumeration of entity states, is elaborated and documented; the ODA implementation allows at least SBI status entities to be created and updated; if the decision is that data entities should have a status attribute, the status attribute of a retrieved entity mirrors that of the associated state entity. It is possible to update the status of an entity via a status entity update, using the PTT: This will be necessary in Operations (by suitably authorised staff) and also provides a good way to test and demonstrate in the short term.
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    • Team_NAKSHATRA
    • Sprint 4
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      1. New release with status functionality of ska-db-oda is available in car repo: ska-db-oda:4.0.0
      2. Release of ska-oso-ptt is available in car repo: ska-oso-ptt:1.3.1
      3. Release of ska-oso-pdm is available in car repo:  ska-oso-pdm:13.0.0
      4. Documentation of the design and content of status entities is available on confluence page
        PI22 - Status for SBD, SBI and EB entities - Software Engineering - SKAO Community Confluence (skatelescope.org)
      5. ODA documentation updated on ska developer portal
        SKA ODA Documentation — developer.skatelescope.org 4.0.0 documentation
      New release with status functionality of ska-db-oda is available in car repo:  ska-db-oda:4.0.0 Release of ska-oso-ptt is available in car repo:  ska-oso-ptt:1.3.1 Release of ska-oso-pdm is available in car repo:   ska-oso-pdm:13.0.0 Documentation of the design and content of status entities is available on confluence page PI22 - Status for SBD, SBI and EB entities - Software Engineering - SKAO Community Confluence (skatelescope.org) ODA documentation updated on ska developer portal SKA ODA Documentation — developer.skatelescope.org 4.0.0 documentation
    • 22.6
    • Stories Completed, Integrated, Solution Intent Updated, BDD Testing Passes (no errors), Outcomes Reviewed, NFRS met, Demonstrated, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED



      As a member of Science Operations, I want ODA entities to have an associated status so that I can calculate properties such as the completion state of an SBI and the overall project status.

      OSO entities have an associated state; for example, SBIs could be CREATED, IN PROGRESS, OBSERVED, FAILED, etc. Some entity states may 'bubble up' or be an aggregate of child entity states; for example, a Project containing many SBDs could be CREATED, PARTIALLY OBSERVED, FULLY OBSERVED, BROKEN, etc. Some entity states may 'trickle down'; for example, deleting an Observing Block may mark unobserved SBDs it contains as DELETED. ADR-41 formalises the relationship between entities and status entities, showing several data entities (projects, SBDs, SBIs, etc.) to have a 1:1 relationship with an associated status entity.

      Note: the OSO SAD foresaw "status entities" as a set of "updates" to each entity, each of which may, or may. not, trigger a change in state. Is this how we want to implement this?


      Consider how state updates are to be integrated into the general ODA updates. For example, should data entity state be analysed server-side and the status entities updated accordingly? Also note that database entries cannot be deleted, although their state may be updated to DELETED.

      Implementation of state aggregation or propagation is not essential at this stage, but the design should allow for its addition in a future PI.

      As additional functionality the PTT should be updated to both reflect the state of each entity (using the status entities) and also to allow updates to the state. This last function will be necessary in operations, to allow suitably authorised staff to make changes that could not be applied automatically, and in the nearer term can be used to test the status entities.


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                p.klaassen Klaassen, Pamela
                s.williams Williams, Stewart
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