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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3650

Develop template of evaluation requirements for Distributed Data Management service

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    • PI20
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    • SRCnet
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      A well document set of use cases and requirements to test alternative options for a distributed data management system is necessary to allow us to plan appropriate tests / evaluation methods in PI21.

      By coming together we will hold each other to account if inherent biases creep in and build confidence in the evaluation to follow in PI21/22

      A well document set of use cases and requirements to test alternative options for a distributed data management system is necessary to allow us to plan appropriate tests / evaluation methods in PI21. By coming together we will hold each other to account if inherent biases creep in and build confidence in the evaluation to follow in PI21/22
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      An agreed set of evaluation criteria is generated and made available on confluence.

      An agreed set of evaluation criteria is generated and made available on confluence.
    • 3
    • 3
    • 0
    • Team_CORAL, Team_MAGENTA, Team_RED, Team_SRCPT
    • Sprint 5
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      Conflence page tree here: https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SRCSC/SRCNet0.1+Data+Management+Software+Stack+Assessment
    • 21.4
    • Stories Completed, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • PI20-PB


      To prepare for an assessment of the capabilties and gaps of the Storage Inventory and Rucio options we will generate a comprehensive set of assessment criteria.

      These will include enumerating a set of data management use cases - including the SKAO data delivery and SRC Operations group use cases, science user use cases and use cases incorporating the interaction between the data management services and the other services in the SRCNet architecture.

      We propose to gather together a small group of experts from Red (CADC, with good SI knowledge), Magenta (SKAO, with good Rucio knowledge) and Coral (who have deployed aspects of both of these) alongside the product manager and the SRC architect to collectively build the use cases, NFRs,  and other assessment criteria.

      Anticipate 10-12 people for 2 half days, plus preparation and follow-up.


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                Jesus.Salgado Salgado, Jesus
                r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
                0 Vote for this issue
                2 Start watching this issue

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                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 3.0

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                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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