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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3615

Multi-Receptor Correlator Signal Chain Testing

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      Integration of the end-to-end signal chain for two or more receptors will reduce the risk of integration during TDC AA0.5 Build 1.

      Integration of the end-to-end signal chain for two or more receptors will reduce the risk of integration during TDC AA0.5 Build 1.
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      Tests are executed. Reports generated showing the behaviour.

      Tests are executed. Reports generated showing the behaviour.
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      This feature was completed with total success.

      Talon board to board communications across the SLIM network optical links were tested and shown to be "error free" when properly configured.  Furthermore, when the optical transceivers (the mid-board optics - LEAP modules) were de-tuned to generate sporadic bit errors, the FPGA firmware was shown to tolerate the subsequent errored, lost, merged or fractured packets. The Packet Stream Repair (PSR) firmware replaces the corrupted data with 'flagged' data such that samples correctly flow into the resampler/delay tracker (RDT) with monotonically increasing timestamps.  Some deficiencies in the PSR firmware were found and corrected.

      Multi-board correlation was also shown to work using the BITE data generator. Up to 4  talon boards were configured with BITE generating identical Gaussian noise signals on the X-polarisation (same seed) and independent signals on the Y-Polarisation. The polarisation coupler was used to introduce a different proportion of the X-pol into the Y-pol signals for each receptor. Each receptor was given a different sampling rate for the offset-clocking scheme used.

      Multiple FSP were also configured, with 200 MHz bandwidth being processed on each talon board, for a total of 800 MHz BW. The visibilities from each FSP are collected across the SLIM to be transmitted on a single 100GbE interface.

      The correlator was configured to generate visibilities for up to 6 baselines plus 4 auto-correlations. The RDT converted (resampled) the signals to a common sample rate and the corner turner successfully aligned the signals removing the bulk transport delay. This resulted in near perfect correlation efficiency for the XX-pol visibilities of each baseline as expected. The XY/YX-pol visibilites showed the proportions of X coupled into each Y signal, and YY-pol visibilies showed the product of X-pol coupled into each receptors Y-pol signal.

      Linear High Order Delay Models (HODM) were introduced to the system. First different delay models were introduced to the BITE generated data. When correlated without correcting the delay this resulted in fringe patterns to the visibilities captured, present in the time and frequency domains. When the opposite delay model is loaded into the FSP RDT, then the delay is successfully removed - eliminating the fringe pattern seen.

      This work was completed in the Jupyter Notebook hardware testing environment.

      This feature was completed with total success. Talon board to board communications across the SLIM network optical links were tested and shown to be "error free" when properly configured.  Furthermore, when the optical transceivers (the mid-board optics - LEAP modules) were de-tuned to generate sporadic bit errors, the FPGA firmware was shown to tolerate the subsequent errored, lost, merged or fractured packets. The Packet Stream Repair (PSR) firmware replaces the corrupted data with 'flagged' data such that samples correctly flow into the resampler/delay tracker (RDT) with monotonically increasing timestamps.  Some deficiencies in the PSR firmware were found and corrected. Multi-board correlation was also shown to work using the BITE data generator. Up to 4  talon boards were configured with BITE generating identical Gaussian noise signals on the X-polarisation (same seed) and independent signals on the Y-Polarisation. The polarisation coupler was used to introduce a different proportion of the X-pol into the Y-pol signals for each receptor. Each receptor was given a different sampling rate for the offset-clocking scheme used. Multiple FSP were also configured, with 200 MHz bandwidth being processed on each talon board, for a total of 800 MHz BW. The visibilities from each FSP are collected across the SLIM to be transmitted on a single 100GbE interface. The correlator was configured to generate visibilities for up to 6 baselines plus 4 auto-correlations. The RDT converted (resampled) the signals to a common sample rate and the corner turner successfully aligned the signals removing the bulk transport delay. This resulted in near perfect correlation efficiency for the XX-pol visibilities of each baseline as expected. The XY/YX-pol visibilites showed the proportions of X coupled into each Y signal, and YY-pol visibilies showed the product of X-pol coupled into each receptors Y-pol signal. Linear High Order Delay Models (HODM) were introduced to the system. First different delay models were introduced to the BITE generated data. When correlated without correcting the delay this resulted in fringe patterns to the visibilities captured, present in the time and frequency domains. When the opposite delay model is loaded into the FSP RDT, then the delay is successfully removed - eliminating the fringe pattern seen. This work was completed in the Jupyter Notebook hardware testing environment.
    • 20.6
    • Stories Completed, Integrated, BDD Testing Passes (no errors), Outcomes Reviewed, Demonstrated, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO


      With the completion of single-receptor (dual polarisation) testing according to the TDC MVP1 test plan https://docs.google.com/document/d/1js9GotiAZjzNFSav-br-vwgs24xtmOmLjqkGOoFIA9c/edit?usp=sharing, this feature looks to expand the testing to a multi-board (multi-receptor) configuration, and confirm end-to-end correlation with delay-tracking and resampling across multiple antenna.

      This feature will build heavily on the predecessor feature SP-3277 which achieved single receptor resampling using single tones and delay tracked correlation between polarisations.

      The integration risks that this feature will cover-off are:

      1. Board-to-board communication across the fibre-optic mesh using the SLIM links.
      2. Resampling multiple signals (from different BITE) to the same common frequency successfully and applying different independent delay models.
      3. SW Coordination between multiple boards.
      4. Removal of bulk delay in the ddr4 corner turner (where each receptor's BITE replay inevitably starts at different times).

      The integration environment used will be the Python pyro-based Jupyter notebooks.

      Ref: hardware_testing_notebooks

      Of course we will diagnose and correct FW and signal processing behaviour anomalies as they arise.


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                b.alachkar Alachkar, Bassem
                S.Harrison Harrison,Stephen
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                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 5.0

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                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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