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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3603

Taranta widgets support slicing of JSON data

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      this capability provided by Taranta will make it possible to develop dashboards that monitor tango devices that have attributes that expose values that are complex JSON strings. Such strings contain the relevant values that should be displayed, but these values will be "polluted" by the remaining part of the string. 

      The alternative to this ticket is that tango devices are revised so that new attributes are made available that present only the important value. With this ticket, the dashboard will allow the designer to specify the JSON filter to apply. 

      This will enhance flexibility of dashboards and cycle time with which appropriate values will be displayed.

      this capability provided by Taranta will make it possible to develop dashboards that monitor tango devices that have attributes that expose values that are complex JSON strings. Such strings contain the relevant values that should be displayed, but these values will be "polluted" by the remaining part of the string.  The alternative to this ticket is that tango devices are revised so that new attributes are made available that present only the important value. With this ticket, the dashboard will allow the designer to specify the JSON filter to apply.  This will enhance flexibility of dashboards and cycle time with which appropriate values will be displayed.
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      In the configuration panel of the selected widget(s):

      • the user can specify a filter that will be applied at runtime
      • 0 or 1 filters can be defined
      • the config panel will NOT provide a preview of how application of a filter could look like. 
      In the configuration panel of the selected widget(s): the user can specify a filter that will be applied at runtime 0 or 1 filters can be defined the config panel will NOT provide a preview of how application of a filter could look like. 
    • 1
    • 0
    • 19.5
    • PI24 - UNCOVERED

    • PerentieWishList Taranta Team_CREAM


      this comes from a request made by Perentie "Slicing of JSON data" in https://docs.google.com/document/d/18fgB3CU0OwqcyW9M6PETQT9MR6pTUwA52BQ_pbmV3q8/edit

      At the moment we can display a json string but only in its entirety, we should be able to display only a subset of those.

      What we need is the ability for the dashboard designer to specify for relevant widgets that a particular JSON filter should be used when displaying the data. A JSON filter is a text that specifies a particular query on the JSON structure.

      A trivial kind of filter is a just a path-like expression, like "book/author/email" that would extract the email value from an object "items" that has this structure

      {book: {author: {name:

      {first: "john", last: "doe"}

      , email: "so-and-so@somewhere.com"}, title: ...}.

      A more powerful solution is to use already-known path expressions like JMESPath (https://github.com/jmespath/jmespath.js) that greatly expands the expressiveness.

      Scope is to apply filters only on the Attribute Display widget.


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                g.brajnik Brajnik, Giorgio
                g.brajnik Brajnik, Giorgio
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