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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3522

Document an understanding of the SW replication and repository requirements for SRCs and suggest potential implementations

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      We have some exposure to different software distribution implementations within the SRCNet ART and its teams. Before we launch a prototype service we should take stock of the interplay between (previously defined, but possibly incomplete) requirements and the emerging SRCNet architecture to see how to proceed, and to understand and document the use cases supported by examples such as EESSI (and cvmfs) vs container registry system vs other examples (e.g. git) that might be more suitable for use-generated sw.

      We have some exposure to different software distribution implementations within the SRCNet ART and its teams. Before we launch a prototype service we should take stock of the interplay between (previously defined, but possibly incomplete) requirements and the emerging SRCNet architecture to see how to proceed, and to understand and document the use cases supported by examples such as EESSI (and cvmfs) vs container registry system vs other examples (e.g. git) that might be more suitable for use-generated sw.
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      AC1: Documentation and knowledge-share on options for software distribution prototypes including on the EESSI/cvmfs project.

      AC2: Example use cases for software distribution included in SKA Confluence and shared with the ART in a demo slot.

      AC1: Documentation and knowledge-share on options for software distribution prototypes including on the EESSI/cvmfs project. AC2: Example use cases for software distribution included in SKA Confluence and shared with the ART in a demo slot.
    • 2
    • 2
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    • Team_TANGERINE
    • Sprint 5
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      AC1 https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SRCSC/OLI+61-63+Software+Distribution+Technologies AC2 https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SRCSC/2023-11-23+SRC+ART+System+Demo+20.6+Part+1+PM
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • PI20-PB


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              r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
              r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
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              4 Start watching this issue

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                Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                Feature Estimate: 2.0

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                To Do00.0
                In Progress   00.0



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