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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3485

Remote Access Request Management, Authorisation & Fulfilment via Service Desk

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    • PI20
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      teams will find it easier to make and monitor requests; authorisation can happen smoothly so that we don't grant inappropriate access.

      teams will find it easier to make and monitor requests; authorisation can happen smoothly so that we don't grant inappropriate access.
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      Service Request stood up on External Helpdesk. Sufficient mandatory information can be collected.

      Service Request flow works from External Helpdesk, through approvals and into IT Helpdesk

      Approvers documented

      Requests can be prioritised by Network & Security team based on network, approver and gathered data.

      Service Request stood up on External Helpdesk. Sufficient mandatory information can be collected. Service Request flow works from External Helpdesk, through approvals and into IT Helpdesk Approvers documented Requests can be prioritised by Network & Security team based on network, approver and gathered data.
    • 1.5
    • 1.5
    • 0
    • Team_IT
    • Sprint 4
    • Overdue
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • Team_IT
    • SPO-2508


      We continue to receive ad-hoc and sometimes unclear and incomplete requests for remote access. We do not have a clear view from the project who effectively "owns" a particular network or compute resources within. We need to have a standardised set of information listed, a feed from the External Helpdesk (to allow anyone in the project to raise the request), an approvals mechanism from "owners" and then a prioritised queue for the Network & Security team to build the needed groups and make the required configuration changes.

      This service must not be used to grant access to Enterprise or Control networks.

      Stories will be needed to build up the required mandatory fields and to build a directory of network/resource owners before we could attempt modifications to both External and IT Helpdesks.

      Current requests in SIS will be moved to SIT project and made children of this Feature and can be run through this workflow and regime.


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                r.schofield Schofield, Richard
                r.schofield Schofield, Richard
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                Feature Progress

                  Story Point Burn-up: (33.33%)

                  Feature Estimate: 1.5

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do26.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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