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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3455

Means for aligning widgets in Taranta dashboards

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      We need to improve Taranta capability to enable users to develop visually appealing dashboards. Mis-alignments of things is a visual defect that everybody sees at once, that may reduce the ability to understand at a glance some relationships between parts of the dashboard. 

      In addition, by providing these standard ways to create visual alignment, a developer would save a lot of time in achieving that. 

      We need to improve Taranta capability to enable users to develop visually appealing dashboards. Mis-alignments of things is a visual defect that everybody sees at once, that may reduce the ability to understand at a glance some relationships between parts of the dashboard.  In addition, by providing these standard ways to create visual alignment, a developer would save a lot of time in achieving that. 
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      • any set of 2+ widgets in a dashboard can be aligned (while using the editor)
      • such an action is undoable
      • alignment is either along the x-axis (left, right, centre) or y-axis (top, bottom, middle).

      Aligning the thumbnails in the Editor palette is out of scope.

      any set of 2+ widgets in a dashboard can be aligned (while using the editor) such an action is undoable alignment is either along the x-axis (left, right, centre) or y-axis (top, bottom, middle). Aligning the thumbnails in the Editor palette is out of scope.
    • Inter Program
    • 4
    • 0
    • Overdue
    • PI24 - UNCOVERED

    • Taranta


      Enable the dashboard developer to select multiple instances of widgets in the canvas and choose to align them vertically (left, centre, right) and/or horizontally (top, middle, bottom). This could be done via a dedicated toolbar in the toolbar and/or a contextual menu (right click of the mouse).

      As is this feature requires a substantial effort - we might be able to split it in ways that some reduced value can be delivered within 2 or fewer FPs.


      (This is also requested by Perentie: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18fgB3CU0OwqcyW9M6PETQT9MR6pTUwA52BQ_pbmV3q8/edit#heading=h.5iq48cqxiup7)





              g.brajnik Brajnik, Giorgio
              g.brajnik Brajnik, Giorgio
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                Feature Estimate: 4.0

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                To Do00.0
                In Progress   00.0



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