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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3454

Shared folder for storing images to be displayed in Taranta dashboard

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      This feature would  increase the convenience with which a dashboard developer can use images in a dashboard, especially now that there is yet no way to display a synoptic view of a system.

      This feature would  increase the convenience with which a dashboard developer can use images in a dashboard, especially now that there is yet no way to display a synoptic view of a system.
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      • the space is made available;
      • some example of subfolder and its images is present, and used in some dashboards;
      • if complex CSS properties are assumed to be used for rendering the image, then some explanation and examples are provided in user documentation of Taranta;
      • when running a dashboard, Taranta should check if the URL of a referenced image does exist; if not should communicate this to the user in some way.
      the space is made available; some example of subfolder and its images is present, and used in some dashboards; if complex CSS properties are assumed to be used for rendering the image, then some explanation and examples are provided in user documentation of Taranta; when running a dashboard, Taranta should check if the URL of a referenced image does exist; if not should communicate this to the user in some way.
    • Inter Program
    • 0.5
    • 0
    • 19.5
    • PI24 - UNCOVERED

    • PerentieWishList Taranta Team_CREAM


      We need to make it easier for dashboard developers to add images to a dashboard. Images like block diagrams, logos, icons, represented as png, jpg, gif or svg files in the developer's machine.

      While a good solution would be to develop a widget that uploads the image so that Taranta stores it into/together the dashboard, in the meantime we can take advantage of the existing Taranta capability to render images that can be gotten from any URL via http. 

      To this end, we need to setup a folder in google drive (or any other suitable web storage area), open in R/W to anybody in SKAO, organized into subfolders, where developers can upload their images that dashboards can refer to. Subfolders are to be organized with a name scheme based on SKAO products, components and team names.


      Detailed formatting of the image (size, aspect ratio, cropping, etc) could be achieved by custom CSS rules. See for example this post: https://cloudinary.com/guides/automatic-image-cropping/5-ways-to-crop-images-in-html-css


      (This is also requested by Perentie: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18fgB3CU0OwqcyW9M6PETQT9MR6pTUwA52BQ_pbmV3q8/edit#heading=h.5iq48cqxiup7)


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                g.brajnik Brajnik, Giorgio
                g.brajnik Brajnik, Giorgio
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                  Feature Estimate: 0.5

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                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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