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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3436

Decide on SBI lifecycle and content

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      SBIs are a key part of the OSO system design and are required to support SB execution.

      SBIs are a key part of the OSO system design and are required to support SB execution.
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      1. Clear understanding of the control points for the creation of SBIs;
      2. When is an SBI created from an SBD, answering at least the questions raised in the description;
      3. Which component is responsible for creating an SBI?
      4. What information is stored in an SBI (how is the information from the SBD stored - by copy or by reference?)
      5. For compound SBs do we have a single SBI or multiple SBIs?
      6. For commensal SBs do we have a single SBI or multiple SBIs?
      7. There is a first draft "lifecycle" of SBIs.
      Clear understanding of the control points for the creation of SBIs; When is an SBI created from an SBD, answering at least the questions raised in the description; Which component is responsible for creating an SBI? What information is stored in an SBI (how is the information from the SBD stored - by copy or by reference?) For compound SBs do we have a single SBI or multiple SBIs? For commensal SBs do we have a single SBI or multiple SBIs? There is a first draft "lifecycle" of SBIs.
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    • Sprint 5
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      • A document describing the decision made is available here: https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SE/Scheduling+Block+Instances
      • The decisions are
        • the SBI will consist of a reference to the version of the SBD that ran, the name of the activity within that SBD as well as any override arguments (which will include additional parameters for ToO observations)
        • the OET will create the SBI and persist it in the ODA
        • the OET will request an sbi_id from SKUID and then pass this to the script which then writes the ID into the EB
      • The OET has been updated to create an SBI when an activity of an SB is run and passes the sbi_id into the script.
      A document describing the decision made is available here: https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SE/Scheduling+Block+Instances The decisions are the SBI will consist of a reference to the version of the SBD that ran, the name of the activity within that SBD as well as any override arguments (which will include additional parameters for ToO observations) the OET will create the SBI and persist it in the ODA the OET will request an sbi_id from SKUID and then pass this to the script which then writes the ID into the EB The OET has been updated to create an SBI when an activity of an SB is run and passes the sbi_id into the script.
    • 19.6
    • Stories Completed, Integrated, Solution Intent Updated, Outcomes Reviewed, Demonstrated, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO
    • OMC-G1


      This is partially to complete work started in SP-2923.  That spike was descoped to concentrate on EBs.  This should complete the work required by concentrating on SBIs.

      When is an SBI created from an SBD and which component is responsible for doing it?

      Should an SBI be the way repeated SBs used for monitoring projects are handled? When a monitoring SBI is executed at time T should an SBI be created at that moment with a timed execution of "T+monitor period"? Or...should the OSO system deduce (from ODA status entities) that an SBD was last executed "1 monitor period" ago and therefore it needs to be executed again and creates an SBI at moment of execution?

      When a ToO SB is to be executed at some time in the future (i.e. not urgent enough to be immediate) should that create an SBI (for future execution) at the moment of event receipt?

      Decide on the information stored in SBIs, particularly for information only discovered at SBI execution time. 

      Some (not necessarily complete) questions:

      How is the SBD (and its version) referenced? Is there any "by value" or is it only "by reference"?

      Does the SBI contain information on actual resources allocated?

      What are the link references between SBDs, SBIs and EBs?

      For compound SBs do we have a single SBI or multiple SBIs?

      For commensal SBs do we have a single SBI or multiple SBIs?

      Lifecycle of SBIs?: READY -> EXECUTING -> DONE/COMPLETE?


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                a.bridger Bridger, Alan
                a.bridger Bridger, Alan
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