Could have
Obs Mgt & Controls
Sprint 5
Stories Completed, Integrated, Outcomes Reviewed, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO
Team_MCCS mccs_firmware solution-goal-3
Clone for PI19 to carry over any remaining work on error detection / prevention on the beamformer chain. Testing to show that data corruption through missing / out-of-order packets is prevented, and avoid regression, should be in place. Work on the beamformer simulator will improve test quality but should be conducted separately from the missing-packet work.
- Current beamformer implementation does not check for missing packets. If a packet is dropped in the beamforming chain, packet sequence is disrupted and the resulting packets sent to CSP are improperly labelled. Out-of-order packets also produce invalid packets to CSP. A missing packet is a very rare evenience and is negligible with only a single station operating as a test facility, but must be detected and flagged in a system composed of thousands of TPM. The modification affects the final stage of the station beamformer, which packs 8 TPM beamforming packets into 1 CSP packet. Packets must be assembled in the correct order, and missing packets must be substituted with a section of samples marked as invalid.