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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3383

Support MID k8s cluster remote access & networks installation

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    • Feature
    • Must have
    • PI19
    • MID Networks
    • None
    • Services
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      To complete preparation work to allow teams to access and configure the k8s cluster remotely

      Networks input for design and planning work for AA0.5 kit arriving this year is required to support successful deployment of this kit

      To complete preparation work to allow teams to access and configure the k8s cluster remotely Networks input for design and planning work for AA0.5 kit arriving this year is required to support successful deployment of this kit
      • MID AA0.5 CPF Test Plan produced & approved
      • MID AA0.5 NSDN Test Plan produced & approved
      • Preparation for remote access is complete
    • 1.5
    • 1.5
    • 0
    • Team_SKANET
    • Sprint 5
    • Hide
      • MID AA0.5 CPF Test Plan produced & approved
        • Draft test plan produced, review delayed by summer holidays, finalisation of this document has moved to SP-3418
      • MID AA0.5 NSDN Test Plan produced & approved
        • Draft test plan produced, review delayed by summer holidays, finalisation of this document has moved to SP-3418
      • Preparation for remote access is complete


      Remaining work in this area for kit installation (once Row G is delivered) is being covered under SP-3418

      MID AA0.5 CPF Test Plan produced & approved Draft test plan produced, review delayed by summer holidays, finalisation of this document has moved to SP-3418 MID AA0.5 NSDN Test Plan produced & approved Draft test plan produced, review delayed by summer holidays, finalisation of this document has moved to SP-3418 Preparation for remote access is complete Internet service ordered (see attached form on SN-612) FW ordered by IT (support provided by us under SN-634) MID AA0.5 networks and remote access design pages produced - MID Networks - Product Delivery Teams - SKAO Community Confluence (skatelescope.org)   Remaining work in this area for kit installation (once Row G is delivered) is being covered under SP-3418
    • 20.3
    • Stories Completed, Accepted by FO
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • SPO-2508


      • Design & support for MID remote access (dependency on IT - firewalls and internet circuits need ordering)
        • Dependency on IT for this - SIT-2045
      • MID AA0.5 CPF kit is due to arrive in country in June so installation support is required to cover - NW test plan & delivery planning
      • MID AA0.5 NSDN kit is due to arrive in PI20, in PI19 preparation support is required to cover -  NW test plan & delivery planning


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                m.deegan Deegan, Miles
                N.Quinn Quinn, Neil
                0 Vote for this issue
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                Feature Progress

                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 1.5

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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