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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3284

Demonstrate user-led navigation to interactive session (e.g. JupyterHub/CARTA) from ESAP development instance.

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    • SRCnet
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      Initially we would wish to replicate the functionality already shown in ESCAPE, but with SRC-managed services (long- or short-lived CARTA or JupyterHub instances as an example).

      Possibly fairly low technical value if it's just referencing existing e.g. JHub instances. However, could have value as demonstrator for interoperable/uniform view of existing interactive services.

      This will likely enable the next steps, which are to show both data staging and initiation of interactive sessions from ESAP.

      Initially we would wish to replicate the functionality already shown in ESCAPE, but with SRC-managed services (long- or short-lived CARTA or JupyterHub instances as an example). Possibly fairly low technical value if it's just referencing existing e.g. JHub instances. However, could have value as demonstrator for interoperable/uniform view of existing interactive services. This will likely enable the next steps, which are to show both data staging and initiation of interactive sessions from ESAP.
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      AC1: Demonstration of ESAP instance enabling a user to navigate to a running JupyterHub/CARTA instance at a different site.

      AC1: Demonstration of ESAP instance enabling a user to navigate to a running JupyterHub/CARTA instance at a different site.
    • Overdue
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • PI18-PB SRC-SciPlat


      Users will use the Science Platform to start their interactive sessions. A means of enabling this has been shown in the ESCAPE project for ESAP/JupyterHub specifically, but replicating this is likely to be a feature's worth of work, since adding new interactive data analysis facilities requires modification of the specific ESAP deployment's backend code/configuration.

      Though this has technically been demonstrated already in ESCAPE, it has value as an example of a uniform, interoperable view of the SRC interactive analysis services.





              r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
              j.collinson Collinson, James
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                To Do00.0
                In Progress   00.0



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