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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3262

Tango Operator: TangoDB Support and More debugging metrics

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      As part of the outcomes of the proof of concept tango operator, we can improve the overall deployment workflow by

      • Supporting TangoDB deployment as separate from the actual deployments that's managed by the operator
      • Having more time related metrics into the deployment to detail where the time have been spent

      This will make sure that Tango Operator helps with the persistent deployments as the DB won't have to be deployed everytime and will generate metrics for persistent environments

      As part of the outcomes of the proof of concept tango operator, we can improve the overall deployment workflow by Supporting TangoDB deployment as separate from the actual deployments that's managed by the operator Having more time related metrics into the deployment to detail where the time have been spent This will make sure that Tango Operator helps with the persistent deployments as the DB won't have to be deployed everytime and will generate metrics for persistent environments
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      • Tango Operator supports TangoDB deployments separately so that it can be deployed first to save time
      • Tango Operator has more metrics (TBD during PI Planning) that details where the time have been spent
      • Tango Operator is avaiable in SKAMPI and persistent environments, i.e. operation sandbox
      • Operator is deployed into DP and PSIs and MID/LOW ITF
      Tango Operator supports TangoDB deployments separately so that it can be deployed first to save time Tango Operator has more metrics (TBD during PI Planning) that details where the time have been spent Tango Operator is avaiable in SKAMPI and persistent environments, i.e. operation sandbox Operator is deployed into DP and PSIs and MID/LOW ITF
    • 1
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    • Team_SYSTEM
    • Sprint 5
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      • Tango Operator now supports metrics related to image pull times
      • Operator is now enabled in SKAMPI Repo (it's blocked due to SKAMPI Pipeline issues)
      • SKAMPI is deployed to DP
      • TangoDB deployments are separated as we saw no value that provides and we didn't have enough time to finish that off
      Tango Operator now supports metrics related to image pull times Dashboards: Browse - Grafana (skao.int) Operator is now enabled in SKAMPI Repo (it's blocked due to SKAMPI Pipeline issues) SKAMPI is deployed to DP TangoDB deployments are separated as we saw no value that provides and we didn't have enough time to finish that off
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED


      We want to continue iterating on tango operator to support additional use-cases that are highlighted in benefit hypothesis and acceptance criteria


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                P.Harding Harding, Piers
                U.Yilmaz Yilmaz, Ugur
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                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 1.0

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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