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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3232

An baseline implementation for SKA FaaS / Serverless approach

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    • SRCnet
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      Having implemented clusters with Kubernetes, container orchestration and a federation of services at Kubernetes level with KubeFed/Karmada, we thought that the next logical step would be to provide a platform for FaaS, such as OpenFaaS or OpenWisk, on top of Kubernetes/KubeFed that allows to include a subset of functions (from radioastronomy pipelines, such as cleaning, flagging, . ...) that can be used from a python package (or from any other language, for example ska-science-tools) and used in a JupyterNotebook, from source code or from another service (code agnostic). These functions, as they run inside Kubernetes (or KubFed) can be (virtually) infinitely scalable, provide HA, can be distributed or geolocated, run on slurm, and can have brokering capabilities. With it, we can provide users with scientific tools at scale.

      Having implemented clusters with Kubernetes, container orchestration and a federation of services at Kubernetes level with KubeFed/Karmada, we thought that the next logical step would be to provide a platform for FaaS, such as OpenFaaS or OpenWisk, on top of Kubernetes/KubeFed that allows to include a subset of functions (from radioastronomy pipelines, such as cleaning, flagging, . ...) that can be used from a python package (or from any other language, for example ska-science-tools) and used in a JupyterNotebook, from source code or from another service (code agnostic). These functions, as they run inside Kubernetes (or KubFed) can be (virtually) infinitely scalable, provide HA, can be distributed or geolocated, run on slurm, and can have brokering capabilities. With it, we can provide users with scientific tools at scale.
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      AC1: To have a serverless platform ready on top of k8s.
      AC2: To provide a minimum catalogue of functions (one per calibrarion, cleaning, flagging) to interact with serverless (i.e. with from JupyterNotebooks (or code/other service))

      AC1: To have a serverless platform ready on top of k8s. AC2: To provide a minimum catalogue of functions (one per calibrarion, cleaning, flagging) to interact with serverless (i.e. with from JupyterNotebooks (or code/other service))
    • PI24 - UNCOVERED

    • SRC-CompPlat


      Our idea with this approach is to unify the knowledge and development done in previous PIs on containers, orchestration and federation at K8s level to test a FaaS/Serverless platform that allows to run scalable functions through Kubernetes (local to the SRC or distributed in other locations). The following diagram shows the components of the implementation:

      Applications and function code of the pipeline can be easily containerised, as well as adding a proxy-sidecar for monitoring etc.


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                r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
                M.Parra Parra, Manuel
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