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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3187

taranta dashboards can be fed with historical data

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      It would allow Taranta to be used as a tool that presents historical and live data seamlessly. Enabling the independent concurrent analysis done by different people.

      Enabling also a more effective situational awareness (by looking at what happened in the immediate past) and more effective diagnosis (by looking back in history as much as needed). All this using the same tool and same dashboards. 

      It would allow Taranta to be used as a tool that presents historical and live data seamlessly. Enabling the independent concurrent analysis done by different people. Enabling also a more effective situational awareness (by looking at what happened in the immediate past) and more effective diagnosis (by looking back in history as much as needed). All this using the same tool and same dashboards. 
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    • Intra Program
    • PI24 - UNCOVERED

    • Taranta


      A user of a running dashboard, along with live data coming from connected devices,  might need to view historical data of those same devices, data that is stored in the EDA.

      For example, when debugging/diagnosing a situation, user A might view the dashboard since 09:00 this morning, and calls user B for assistance, that runs the same dashboard at 09:15. B might want to see what happened before 09:15, and explore the situation independently from A. Therefore B cannot rely on just sharing the screen of A.

      Ideally, it would be good if Taranta would allow the ability to switch the data source of a dashboard from "live" to "EDA", with the assumption that the live devices are also present in the EDA. If source = EDA then the dashboard shows only data coming from the EDA (with a greater latency than live); if source = live it shows data coming only from connected devices.

      And if the source= EDA then a time window needs to be specified (eg show data starting from 0900)


      This is the original text of Nick's suggestion:
      Enable widgets displaying a time series (i.e. moving charts) to get historical data (probably from from the archive) on startup, if it is available. (I agree this is a nice to have atm, but is useful in the longer term)


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                g.brajnik Brajnik, Giorgio
                g.brajnik Brajnik, Giorgio
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