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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3171

SKA LOW SensCalc: Create a web interface

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      The LOW sensitivity calculator has a user interface.

      The LOW sensitivity calculator has a user interface.
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      • Using a web interface, we can estimate the point source sensitivity of a SKA LOW interferometric observation.
      • The front end is refactored following the SKAO Accessibility Policy Document (as described in the Description).
      • The LOW sensitivity calculator web interface should adopt containers like accordions to display the different observing modes and move away from tabs currently used in the MID calculator interface.
      • The front end is tested for accessibility using the <name of service> web service.
      Using a web interface, we can estimate the point source sensitivity of a SKA LOW interferometric observation. The front end is refactored following the SKAO Accessibility Policy Document (as described in the Description). The LOW sensitivity calculator web interface should adopt containers like accordions to display the different observing modes and move away from tabs currently used in the MID calculator interface. The front end is tested for accessibility using the <name of service> web service.
    • 4
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    • Team_BUTTONS
    • Sprint 3
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      • A front-end to the Low Sensitivity Calculator has been created which connects to the existing back-end and which can display the calculated sensitivity based on source position, duration, central frequency and bandwidth
      • The accessibility of the Low front-end was extensively investigated during the work, with the SKAO policies and conversations with the Science Operations team forming the basis of this. See Outcome 4.
      • The front-end has been designed around 'accordions', collapsible panels, each one of which deals with a different observing mode.
      • The front-end gets a 100% accessibility score from the Lighthouse automated checker. Dark/light mode has also been implemented, although further work is required to get this to work with the header component
      • The calculator (Mid and Low) has been deployed to https://k8s.stfc.skao.int/staging-ost-umb/ (STFC VPN access required).
      A front-end to the Low Sensitivity Calculator has been created which connects to the existing back-end and which can display the calculated sensitivity based on source position, duration, central frequency and bandwidth The accessibility of the Low front-end was extensively investigated during the work, with the SKAO policies and conversations with the Science Operations team forming the basis of this. See Outcome 4. The front-end has been designed around 'accordions', collapsible panels, each one of which deals with a different observing mode. The front-end gets a 100% accessibility score from the Lighthouse automated checker. Dark/light mode has also been implemented, although further work is required to get this to work with the header component The calculator (Mid and Low) has been deployed to https://k8s.stfc.skao.int/staging-ost-umb/ (STFC VPN access required).
    • 18.5
    • Stories Completed, Outcomes Reviewed, NFRS met, Demonstrated, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • Sensitivity-calc Team_BUTTONS
    • OMC-G2


      Implement a simple GUI interface to expose the backend implemented in SP-762. The GUI is a simple form with two buttons: Calculate and Reset. 

      The form should contain the following input fields:

      • Array assembly context (in this iteration, this can be an uneditable dropdown list with AA4 as the only option. It will be extended through later features.)
      • number of LOW stations, 
      • observation duration in hours, 
      • Pointing centre in J2000, 
      • Central frequency in MHz, and
      • Bandwidth in MHz.

      Input validation has already been implemented in the backend via SP-762

      Clicking on the “calculate” button should pass the form values to the backend and display the returned Stokes I sensitivity. The GUI should also display appropriate error messages returned by the backend.

      The reset button should reset all fields to their default values.

      While the Mid calculator already has an interface, we are striving from improved usability and accessibility prior to releasing the calculators to the community. These considerations (together with a rough suggested sketch) are contained in this google doc:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AnbR0s1k0BFwcIXCnoexo2qH8EtLmskmuJtqNwkrQnQ/edit?usp=sharing


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                S.Sridhar Sridhar, Sarrvesh
                S.Sridhar Sridhar, Sarrvesh
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                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 4.0

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                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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