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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3114

CAOM-based TAP server deployment exposing "real" data

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      BH: There are predominantly three frameworks for constructing and deploying IVOA services: the TAP library from CDS, CAOM from CADC and DaCHS. We have previously built a Rucio <-> IVOA prototype, exposing the resulting metadata using a TAP server deployed using the CDS library. However, there are advantages to both of the other two technologies: DaCHS is written in Python (which aligns well with the developer skillsets in Cyan team), and there is in-house knowledge about CAOM.

      BH: There are predominantly three frameworks for constructing and deploying IVOA services: the TAP library from CDS, CAOM from CADC and DaCHS. We have previously built a Rucio <-> IVOA prototype, exposing the resulting metadata using a TAP server deployed using the CDS library. However, there are advantages to both of the other two technologies: DaCHS is written in Python (which aligns well with the developer skillsets in Cyan team), and there is in-house knowledge about CAOM.
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      AC1: CAOM compliant metadata ingested into the postgres database backend using the command line tool

      AC2: This metadata data served by the CAOM TAP server.

      AC1: CAOM compliant metadata ingested into the postgres database backend using the command line tool AC2: This metadata data served by the CAOM TAP server.
    • 1
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    • Overdue
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • PI18-PB SRC-DataAccess SRCPB


      The work proposed here is to create a dockerised deployment similar to https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/src/ska-rucio-ivoa-integration but using the CAOM2 tap server container. This will complement the work planned to migrate the existing CDS instance to DaCHS, providing us with end-to-end prototypes of the two prospective IVOA technologies.


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                R.Barnsley Barnsley, Rob
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