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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3105

Federated OpenStack test

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      BH: UK, PT, and JP SRC support Openstack cloud.  This feature will help us understand whether the intercontinental Openstack works as expected and what are issues (policy, network, etc) in the deployment.

      BH: UK, PT, and JP SRC support Openstack cloud.  This feature will help us understand whether the intercontinental Openstack works as expected and what are issues (policy, network, etc) in the deployment.
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      AC1: Plan for this test is documented and demo'd to ART
      AC2: Japanese openstack container is prepared and deployed (1) Prepare small resources (VM, server, etc) which will be integrated into JPSRC Openstack cloud. 2) Prepare an openstack container for compute nodes. 3) Deploy the container into the small resources and confirm that JPSRC can monitor/access it in the JPSRC Openstack system.)
      AC3: Workflow identified and tested to run across federated resources
      AC4: Results are documented in confluence and presented to the ART

      AC1: Plan for this test is documented and demo'd to ART AC2: Japanese openstack container is prepared and deployed (1) Prepare small resources (VM, server, etc) which will be integrated into JPSRC Openstack cloud. 2) Prepare an openstack container for compute nodes. 3) Deploy the container into the small resources and confirm that JPSRC can monitor/access it in the JPSRC Openstack system.) AC3: Workflow identified and tested to run across federated resources AC4: Results are documented in confluence and presented to the ART
    • Team_OLIVE
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      AC1 and AC4 were achieved. Because of the facility security policy issue, AC2 and AC3 were not achieved.


      AC1 and AC4 were achieved. Because of the facility security policy issue, AC2 and AC3 were not achieved. https://confluence.skatelescope.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=221068113
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • SRC-CompPlat SRC-MiniNode SRCPB


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              J.Vilotte Vilotte, Jean-Pierre
              r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
              0 Vote for this issue
              0 Start watching this issue

              Feature Progress

                Story Point Burn-up: (0%)

                Feature Estimate: 0.0

                IssuesStory Points
                To Do00.0
                In Progress   00.0



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