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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3089

AAI Schema Planning and Implementation

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      In order to have an interoperable AAI framework across the SRCNet, a common schema for attributes, including the global uniqueness and format of groups, needs to be discussed and agreed upon.

      This will allow services and national AAIs to understand the token requirements for a global platform. This should build upon existing standards, such as the R&S, VOPerson and AARC Token Profile.


      In order to have an interoperable AAI framework across the SRCNet, a common schema for attributes, including the global uniqueness and format of groups, needs to be discussed and agreed upon. This will allow services and national AAIs to understand the token requirements for a global platform. This should build upon existing standards, such as the R&S, VOPerson and AARC Token Profile.  
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      AC 1: A schema for attributes has been discussed and agreed upon with members of Purple Team and national AAIs

      AC 2: Documentation about schema, including any profiles and attributes chosen, is recorded in confluence

      AC 3: The SRC IAM has been configured to utilize and demonstrate the agreed-upon schema

      AC 1: A schema for attributes has been discussed and agreed upon with members of Purple Team and national AAIs AC 2: Documentation about schema, including any profiles and attributes chosen, is recorded in confluence AC 3: The SRC IAM has been configured to utilize and demonstrate the agreed-upon schema
    • 1
    • 5
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    • Team_PURPLE
    • Sprint 5
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      Documentation detailing schema is available here, including token requirements: https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SRCSC/AAI+Docs%3A+Schema+and+Attributes
      The SKA IAM has been updated to support this where required, but cannot completely implement the AARC token profile just yet due to a blocking request with Geant.

      Documentation detailing schema is available here, including token requirements: https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SRCSC/AAI+Docs%3A+Schema+and+Attributes The SKA IAM has been updated to support this where required, but cannot completely implement the AARC token profile just yet due to a blocking request with Geant.
    • 20.1
    • Outcomes Reviewed, Accepted by FO
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • PI19-PB SRC-AAI


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              T.Dack Dack, Tom
              r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
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