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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3080

Landscape report on Metadata for SRC nodes capabilities, functionalities and policies

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    • SRCnet
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      a) We would have a starting point for considerations of how to specify the services, policies and infrastructure capabilities that SRCs will provide to the Global Network. b) Another benefit would be to provide a USABLE basis for a broker/spawner layer to decide on different aspects (where to take data, where to compute) as well as to optimise the use of resources and their constraints (for workflow, access to data, etc.).

      a) We would have a starting point for considerations of how to specify the services, policies and infrastructure capabilities that SRCs will provide to the Global Network. b) Another benefit would be to provide a USABLE basis for a broker/spawner layer to decide on different aspects (where to take data, where to compute) as well as to optimise the use of resources and their constraints (for workflow, access to data, etc.).
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      A report about the status of existing metadata schemas/standards or tools used to describe site capabilities, functionalities and policies and/or computing jobs

      A report about the status of existing metadata schemas/standards or tools used to describe site capabilities, functionalities and policies and/or computing jobs


      In some Olive and/or Architecture meetings we have commented about the need of having a metadata schema (common metadata description Language) to describe formally the site capabilities, functionalities, status of the resources, policies among others. Also metadata for describing the computational jobs. In other infraestructures implement an Information System with this metadata, and this system can be used for serveral things, one of them, for brokering resources.

      Here we can explore some of the options:


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                r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
                S.SanchezExposito Sanchez Exposito, Susana
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