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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3058

CLONE - OET should get SBs from the ODA

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      Original from SP-2296: SBs can be created/edited/saved independently of the OET back-end deployment and therefore can persist and not require a new deployment of the OET when modified.

      Original from SP-2296 : SBs can be created/edited/saved independently of the OET back-end deployment and therefore can persist and not require a new deployment of the OET when modified.
      • The OET backend deployment can access SBs that exist in a version of the ODA deployed as part of the Operations Sandbox
      • SKAMPI now includes a BDD test that checks this functionality.
    • 3
    • 3
    • 40
    • 13.333
    • Team_BUTTONS
    • Sprint 3
      • The ability to get the OET to run an SB that is stored in the ODA was demonstrated by Viivi on 24/02/23 at the OMC Sprint 17.6 System Demo.
    • 18.4
    • Stories Completed, Integrated, Demonstrated, Accepted by FO
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED



      Original from SP-2296: The OET can now retrieve and run scripts and library code from Git repositories, but is missing a connection to the ODA which is where SB Definitions and SB Instances will be stored. As a result, SBs have to be baked into the OET image or committed to the git repository along with the source code. Connect the OET to the ODA so that it gets data from the correct location.

      The OET was designed to operate on SB Instances. This may be a good time to introduce SBIs. To recap, an SBI captures an SBD (+version) to be sent for execution along with any runtime arguments. The resulting SBI is executed at most once.



      Reworking for CLONE (SP-3058):

      • The interface has been designed, but implementation is still needed.  
      • expected from original implementation (2FP) + design tweak below (1FP) = 3 FP


      potential design tweaks required:

      • when the OET pulls an SB from the ODA, there might be a circular argument (within assign resources for example) where an SB requires a script, which requires an SB.... this issue came out of the initial design work, and needs to be discussed more thoroughly in terms of how to get around that circular dependancy 


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                p.klaassen Klaassen, Pamela
                A.Biggs Biggs, Andy
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                  Feature Estimate: 3.0

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                  In Progress   00.0



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