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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-2948

Tango Controls tracer and visualiser

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    • Obs Mgt & Controls
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      • Allow efficient post-mortem debugging with concise listing of of commands that were executed.
      • Enable visualisation of the system's current execution path when debugging an issue.
      • With GUI: Allow users (operators, engineers, scientists) to see at a glance what the system is currently busy with.
      Allow efficient post-mortem debugging with concise listing of of commands that were executed. Enable visualisation of the system's current execution path when debugging an issue. With GUI: Allow users (operators, engineers, scientists) to see at a glance what the system is currently busy with.
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      Need to define acceptance criteria.

      Need to define acceptance criteria.
    • 2
    • 0
    • Overdue
    • PI24 - UNCOVERED



      This feature's goal is to provide a product that is able to visualise Tango Controls Device program flow in near realtime.

      The product would:

      • Subscribe to the TC logging system and evaluate logs which are output by the `@DebugIt` decorator. The `@DebugIt` decorator inherits from the `tango.LogIt` base class.
      • Collect matching entries of `@DebugIt` entry and exit logs.
        • In the case that the logs which are generated by the `@LogIt` base class cannot be distinguished, extend the decorator base class `@LogIt` to generate and output a unique ID which then allows combination of entry and exit messages.
        • Display the entries in a way that allows visual or computerised tracing of command flow in Tango Controls Devices.
          • Visualisation should be modular.
            • Different output modules should be allowed for each tracer process that is executed.
            • If implementation allows, different output modules can be allowed at the same time for each tracer process.
            • Three output modules are foreseen to be needed:
              • Visualisation on command line in human readable form. Perhaps some for of indentation could be used to highlight calling hierarchies?
              • Storing the command flow to a file for automated post-processing.
              • Visualisation in a web GUI with realtime updates.
      • For future extension, allow different input sources.
        • For now it is only the `@DebugIt` log but it is envisioned that tracing and visualsing of Device states, adminMode or obsState will be traced, too. It is understood that tracing attribute values requires different techniques than tracing commands.





              Thomas.Juerges Juerges, Thomas
              Thomas.Juerges Juerges, Thomas
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue

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                Story Point Burn-up: (0%)

                Feature Estimate: 2.0

                IssuesStory Points
                To Do00.0
                In Progress   00.0



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