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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-2907

Hardware benchmarking

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    • SRCnet
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      This allows existing SRCNet to test the performance of their architectures and computing platforms and for future nodes to be able to choose one or another hardware configuration. Also to take into account the energy efficiency (green computing).

      This allows existing SRCNet to test the performance of their architectures and computing platforms and for future nodes to be able to choose one or another hardware configuration. Also to take into account the energy efficiency (green computing).
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      AC1: Demo/study about the options for benchmarking. This study would help us to decide the better approach

      AC2: At least the performance of one computing platform would be studied using the agreed benchmark approach/framework.

      AC1: Demo/study about the options for benchmarking. This study would help us to decide the better approach AC2: At least the performance of one computing platform would be studied using the agreed benchmark approach/framework.
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED


      Who: Coral Team in collaboration with the support of other SRCNet Teams

      What: Evaluate/select a common framework for benchmarking. Produce benchmarks to study the performance of different computing resources available in the Coral team participant nodes. Define a set of network tests to study network performance in order to identify bottleneck and room for improvements

      Why: To evaluate the different critical features of the hardware components of the computing infrastructures of the SRCNet nodes, such as CPU, RAM, Network, etc. This allows existing SRCNet to test the performance of their architectures and computing platforms and for future nodes to be able to choose one or another configuration. Also to take into account the energy efficiency (green computing) at hardware level.


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                r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
                M.Parra Parra, Manuel
                0 Vote for this issue
                1 Start watching this issue

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