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      A shared understanding of A&A approaches and explanation of the functionality provided by the newly-available SRC IAM service will help members of SRCNet ART teams and infrastructure provider site representatives understand what this service is, how to obtain accounts and how to integrate it with their services.

      A shared understanding of A&A approaches and explanation of the functionality provided by the newly-available SRC IAM service will help members of SRCNet ART teams and infrastructure provider site representatives understand what this service is, how to obtain accounts and how to integrate it with their services.
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      AC1: Landscape report made available across the ART and to stakeholder groups (public document), with ability to receive feedback.
      AC2: (Virtual) workshop is arranged giving opportunity for all interested groups to hear more about the AAI landscape, to see demos of the IAM service in use with other services and to hear about alternatives to this approach and future direction of travel among astronomy and similar research ecosystems (e.g, HEP, other large observatories)

      AC1: Landscape report made available across the ART and to stakeholder groups (public document), with ability to receive feedback. AC2: (Virtual) workshop is arranged giving opportunity for all interested groups to hear more about the AAI landscape, to see demos of the IAM service in use with other services and to hear about alternatives to this approach and future direction of travel among astronomy and similar research ecosystems (e.g, HEP, other large observatories)
    • Team_PURPLE
    • Sprint 5
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      The AAI workshop was successfully delivered 22/23 Nov. Discussions to be reviewed and inform features and plans for PI17.
      Notes doc:

      The AAI workshop was successfully delivered 22/23 Nov. Discussions to be reviewed and inform features and plans for PI17. Notes doc:
    • 16.6
    • Outcomes Reviewed
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED


      Organise and provide contributions to a workshop that will give shared understanding across the SRC ART and SKAO and SRCSC stakeholders of (1) AAI landscape globally and (2) example implementations including SRC IAM Acceptance Criteria: Virtual workshop is held, presentations and recordings are made available via confluence.


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                r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
                r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
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