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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-2829

Deploy Storage Inventory Global site

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    • SRCnet
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      The global SI site is meaningful once we have multiple (2 or more) instances of the local sites up and running. We want a SI prototype to see how SI's functionality differs from Rucio and to explore the more distributed architecture.

      The global SI site is meaningful once we have multiple (2 or more) instances of the local sites up and running. We want a SI prototype to see how SI's functionality differs from Rucio and to explore the more distributed architecture.
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      AC1: Instance of a Global SI site up and running, connected to the local deployments.

      AC1: Instance of a Global SI site up and running, connected to the local deployments.
    • 1
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    • 0
    • Team_CORAL
    • Sprint 4
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      Main Outcomes:

      Repositories of Global Storage Inventory and Local Storage Inventory:

      - https://gitlab.com/fkirsten/global-si

      Main Outcomes: Repositories of Global Storage Inventory and Local Storage Inventory: - https://gitlab.com/fkirsten/global-si https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/src/ska-opencadc-local-si
    • 19.4
    • Stories Completed, Integrated, Solution Intent Updated, BDD Testing Passes (no errors), Outcomes Reviewed, NFRS met, Demonstrated, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • SRC-G2


      Run a global service registry: chose and configure resourceID (URI) for each service (global and storage sites, plus the prototype GMS service) in the global service registry.

      Run global storage inventory: Postgres DB, baldur, raven, and luskan services; one instance of fenwick per storage site to sync metadata (continuous); optionally: one instance of ratik per storage site to validate metadata (perioidic, ~weekly or maybe manually).

      Storage site config changes: Storage site minoc services will be configured to use baldur (global) as the grant provider and use the correct resourceID (minoc). In order to decouple this work from other AAI related work in the short term: minoc services will need a user certificate to call baldur and operators will need to provide the X500 DN to the operator of baldur, luskan services will be configured to allow anonymous query access.

      When configuring the global baldur service (grants), design/declare/create storage namespaces and grant access to them; this will involve requesting/creating groups (and adding members) so they have an IVOA GMS Group identifier (URI) for use in the baldur config. It isn't clear who will create and manage groups in IAM. The storage namespaces will be derived from the sample data identified in SP-2840 with some metadata tweaks to support demonstrations (change Artifact URI scheme).


      Mini-SRCNet Demonstrator Roadmap: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Kri0Bc0n9PE30Nv7b1LkeUhh88ZatuFuYYJ2T2CSRUU/edit?usp=sharing


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                P.Dowler Dowler, Patrick
                r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
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                  Feature Estimate: 1.0

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                  In Progress   00.0



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