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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-279

WebJive supports layout containers

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      In general the benefit for the UI designer is that with these containers better UI layouts can be generated with less effort, and that standard styleguides can be provided on when to use one container rather than another.

      In general the benefit for the UI designer is that with these containers better UI layouts can be generated with less effort, and that standard styleguides can be provided on when to use one container rather than another.
    • 4
    • 2
    • 11.5
    • PI22 - UNCOVERED


      In the following I will refer to these user roles with respect to WebJive:

      • UI designer, this is the individual who uses WebJive to develop a specific UI to be connected to some Tango devices. This role does not change the code of webjive nor of widgets. This person can also be the UI user, but these two roles are conceptually different.
      • UI user,  this is the individual who is going to use the UI constructed through WebJive; s/he will be an engineer or a commissioner.
      • WebJive developer, this is the developer who conceives/writes/tests/documents new widgets, containers and other components of WebJive.

      The UI developer can add/change/remove containers in the screens of the UI that is designing.

      Containers can be nested: a screen can be based on a container which itself may include a combination of other containers and widgets.

      Types of containers:

      • grid: this is a bidimensional grid, each row and each column is sized accordingly to the max size of the widgets/subcontainers that are contained in a cell of that row/column.
      • tabs: this implements a pane with several panes, each having the same size as the containing pane
      • tree view: a container representing a tree where each leaf node is a widget/container that can be exposed or hidden, expanded or collapsed
      • popup: a temporary dialog, modal and not modal, that appears over the basic screen to present some contextual information and that may require contextual actions, like an alert.


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                g.brajnik Brajnik, Giorgio
                g.brajnik Brajnik, Giorgio
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                  Feature Estimate: 4.0

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                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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