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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-2644

Document Interfaces for Visualisation tools

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      A report on each tool's access to the data layer would allow the creation of an optimal architecture connecting the SRC Net data lake.

      Also, the identification of common data server operations from different visualisation services, if any, will allow the creation of specific parser libraries for the different SKA data types

      A report on each tool's access to the data layer would allow the creation of an optimal architecture connecting the SRC Net data lake. Also, the identification of common data server operations from different visualisation services, if any, will allow the creation of specific parser libraries for the different SKA data types
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      AC1: Documentation of the visualisation tools access to the data layer, either local or remote, to understand possible requirements on the SRC Net data management system

      AC2: Identify supported methods and restrictions on data access (need to have files mounted close to server parser vs support to remote locations (HTTP, S3, etc)), supported storage systems (files/object/block/etc storages), etc

      AC3: If common server-side operations are found, the identification of a parser library for SKA data with enhanced performance for these operations

      AC1: Documentation of the visualisation tools access to the data layer, either local or remote, to understand possible requirements on the SRC Net data management system AC2: Identify supported methods and restrictions on data access (need to have files mounted close to server parser vs support to remote locations (HTTP, S3, etc)), supported storage systems (files/object/block/etc storages), etc AC3: If common server-side operations are found, the identification of a parser library for SKA data with enhanced performance for these operations
    • Team_ORANGE
    • Sprint 5
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      Outcome: https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SRCSC/%5BSP-2644%5D+Document+Interfaces+for+Visualisation+tools
    • 24.2
    • Stories Completed, Outcomes Reviewed, Demonstrated, Accepted by FO
    • PI24 - UNCOVERED

    • SRC-Vis


      How do the tools interface with other visualisation tools and wider services. Integration with science platform components. 

      When collecting information about existing tools it is possible to gather information about where and how they are currently embedded. How are they able to interoperate with services in the 'back plane'. Do they include the possibility of being integrated into workflows, AAI. Are they already embedded in a science platform; what data formats are used. This will feed into the requirements of the platform and prototying priorities.







      Understanding the ways visualisation tools are accessing the data will allow us to define the architecture of the SRC data lake that allows access to remote data with good performance.

      Also, identifying server data operations, if any, would allow a future abstraction and specific SKA data parsing layer from the SRC data lake at a certain point, improving the access to reduce latency and the creation of domain data experts to maintain parsing libraries in line with the data formats

      If a common set of data server operations are needed, a middleware code library, published into the GitLab repository, including the interface classes and a factory of implementations extracted from the tools could be generated as starting point. The implementation of the parsing methods could be improved in performance by the SKA data domain experts in a later phase


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                Jesus.Salgado Salgado, Jesus
                Jesus.Salgado Salgado, Jesus
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