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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-2577

ITF Test Equipment compute platform setup/integration

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    • PI15
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      To run and control Test Equipment and SUTs we need to establish the basic software deployment platform. This should be aligned with the common SKAO software development platform and requires the creation of a kubernetes  platform connected to  SKAO gitlab.

      To run and control Test Equipment and SUTs we need to establish the basic software deployment platform. This should be aligned with the common SKAO software development platform and requires the creation of a kubernetes  platform connected to  SKAO gitlab.
      • documentation so the processes can be repeated by e.g. the MID ITF team
      • documentation on how to migrate to full k8s system
      • demonstratable solution to execute tests against the ITF from gitlab CI
    • Intra Program
    • 2
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    • Team_VULCAN
    • Sprint 5
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      The Kubernetes platform and hosted services have been deployed on temporary hardware in the ITF. Description and documentation is available at https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SE/%5BSP-2577%5D+Prototype+compute+platform+in+the+LOW+sITF, and the Ansible scripts used to deploy the repository are found at https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/sdi/ska-cicd-deploy-low-itf.

      One way the cluster diverges from our intentions is in the persistent storage solution. We're currently using host volume storage rather than CephFS - the Ceph/Rook configuration used by ST was in flux during this PI, so although we deployed a Ceph cluster, we deferred the Rook configuration.

      Tests can be executed in the ITF using the Gitlab runner tagged `k8srunner-low-itf`. This can be seen in the .gitlab-ci.yml file in ska-low-itf, the repository we've created to house ITF tests. The CI pipelines history in that repository shows examples of individual test runs.

      One of the acceptance criteria for this ticket was to document how to migrate to a full k8s system. This criterion was based on the assumption that we'd be running something other than standard Kubernetes in the ITF - minikube, microk8s, k3s or the like. However, we received hardware sooner than expected, so early in PI15 we decided that deploying Kubernetes was feasible and did that instead.

      The Kubernetes platform and hosted services have been deployed on temporary hardware in the ITF. Description and documentation is available at https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SE/%5BSP-2577%5D+Prototype+compute+platform+in+the+LOW+sITF , and the Ansible scripts used to deploy the repository are found at  https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/sdi/ska-cicd-deploy-low-itf . One way the cluster diverges from our intentions is in the persistent storage solution. We're currently using host volume storage rather than CephFS - the Ceph/Rook configuration used by ST was in flux during this PI, so although we deployed a Ceph cluster, we deferred the Rook configuration. Tests can be executed in the ITF using the Gitlab runner tagged `k8srunner-low-itf`. This can be seen in the .gitlab-ci.yml file in ska-low-itf , the repository we've created to house ITF tests. The CI pipelines history in that repository shows examples of individual test runs. One of the acceptance criteria for this ticket was to document how to migrate to a full k8s system. This criterion was based on the assumption that we'd be running something other than standard Kubernetes in the ITF - minikube, microk8s, k3s or the like. However, we received hardware sooner than expected, so early in PI15 we decided that deploying Kubernetes was feasible and did that instead.
    • 15.6
    • Integrated, Outcomes Reviewed, Demonstrated, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO
    • PI22 - UNCOVERED


      The ITF (low) is still building up its infrastructure. To be able to execute and trace automated tests against this evolving platform we need to align this with SKAO processes. This needs.

      • a remotely accessible minikube instance to host the (temporary) software environment
      • a persistent storage solution  (within k8s)
      • taranta and jupyter hub
      • a connection to the SKAO gitlab CI and CAR
      • a migration plan to proper computing infrastructure


      FO P.Harding ?


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                Felipe.Gonzalez Gonzalez, Felipe
                Vani.Naram Naram, Vani
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                  Feature Estimate: 2.0

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