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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-246

Synoptic diagrams are displayed and are interactive

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      The user of the UI can easily understand the physical or functional structure of a device.

      With live regions the user of the UI can easily monitor the behavior of a device, and can more easily and quickly act on the device. The ability to interactively execute commands brings the benefit of using a visual representation of commands that are located in the context of a device: users do not need to remember the intricacies of scripts commands and arguments, and are therefore more productive, they make fewer mistakes and slips.

      With clickable live regions the UI user can quickly navigate through a multiscreen synoptic representation of a complex device.

      With iconized live regions the user of the UI can easily and quickly view and understand the effect of executing a command.



      Benefit The user of the UI can easily understand the physical or functional structure of a device. With live regions the user of the UI can easily monitor the behavior of a device, and can more easily and quickly act on the device. The ability to interactively execute commands brings the benefit of using a visual representation of commands that are located in the context of a device: users do not need to remember the intricacies of scripts commands and arguments, and are therefore more productive, they make fewer mistakes and slips. With clickable live regions the UI user can quickly navigate through a multiscreen synoptic representation of a complex device. With iconized live regions the user of the UI can easily and quickly view and understand the effect of executing a command.    
    • 13
    • 1.538
    • PI22 - UNCOVERED



      In the following I will refer to these user roles with respect to WebJive:

      • UI designer, this is the individual who uses WebJive to develop a specific UI to be connected to some Tango devices. This role does not change the code of webjive nor of widgets. This person can also be the UI user, but these two roles are conceptually different.
      • UI user,  this is the individual who is going to use the UI constructed through WebJive; s/he will be an engineer or a commissioner.
      • WebJive developer, this is the developer who conceives/writes/tests/documents new widgets, containers and other components of WebJive.


      The UI includes screens that display a synoptic diagram, or a schematic diagram, of a device. The diagram can represent a room layout, a cabinet, a rack with several devices, the internal structure of a device; the synoptic can be written using an external editor, such as inkscape, that produces SVG files.

      The external SVG file needs to be read by WebJive, verified in terms of syntactic correctness, appropriate error messages should be provided if the file is not acceptable.

      The synoptic diagrams can be interactively modified with WebJive by the UI designer to associate live regions to SVG elements.

      • These live regions are places where to display the value of an attribute or state of a device or alarms of an alarm.
      • Live regions can be places where to render a command and enable interactive execution of it (such as turning on, turning off a device).
      • Live regions can be "links" that allow the user of the UI to switch between screens (and therefore also synoptic diagrams). This enables drilling down across synoptic diagrams. An engineer should be able to navigate to different screens of the UI, each displaying a synoptic/model of a device (like a screen with a room, a screen with a rack with several devices within the room, a screen with single devices of a rack) and inspect in each screen the value of several attributes. This could be needed in a debugging process that the engineer is involved with for making sure that a new hardware/firmware/software update behaves as expected.
      • Live regions in SVG might be associated to different icons/smaller SVG files to display in different ways things that change state/value, such as a green circle to represent a "turn on” button, or a switch lever that can be "moved" up or down.

      Live regions that support user actions need to be displayed by WebJive with some specific visual cues in order to let users understand which ones exist and where are they located, and what action is supported (technically this is called "affordance" of live regions).






              g.brajnik Brajnik, Giorgio
              g.brajnik Brajnik, Giorgio
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