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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-2358

spike for Taranta log viewer based on Kibana

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      We understood:

      • what needs to be done in terms of Kibana setting so that a kibana page displays the info that the widget specified in SP-284 requires
      • what needs to be done in React to embed a kibana page in a section of a dashboard
      • to what extent the configuration options described in SP-284 can be specified in the widget configuration panel that Taranta already supports.

      This work should allow us to have a clear understanding of the technical tasks needed to implement the log viewer widget and the required effort.

      We understood: what needs to be done in terms of Kibana setting so that a kibana page displays the info that the widget specified in SP-284 requires what needs to be done in React to embed a kibana page in a section of a dashboard to what extent the configuration options described in SP-284 can be specified in the widget configuration panel that Taranta already supports. This work should allow us to have a clear understanding of the technical tasks needed to implement the log viewer widget and the required effort.
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      A report is published with the findings related to:

      • tasks and efforts required to configure Kibana pages
      • tasks and efforts required to embed a Kibana page in dashboards
      • tasks and efforts required to support the configuration options.

      It would be good to explore also different alternatives so that in the end we can choose to implement something and discard something else because too expensive.

      A report is published with the findings related to: tasks and efforts required to configure Kibana pages tasks and efforts required to embed a Kibana page in dashboards tasks and efforts required to support the configuration options. It would be good to explore also different alternatives so that in the end we can choose to implement something and discard something else because too expensive.
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    • Team_CREAM
    • Sprint 4
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      The document with the study conducted by the team has been linked in the feature. 

      The prototype has been shown during OMC ART System Demo 14.5 (https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SE/2022-05-19+OMC+ART+System+Demo+14.5)

      The document with the study conducted by the team has been linked in the feature.  The prototype has been shown during OMC ART System Demo 14.5 ( https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SE/2022-05-19+OMC+ART+System+Demo+14.5 )
    • 14.5
    • Outcomes Reviewed, Demonstrated, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO


      The purpose of this enabler is to understand technical issues that might hinder implementation of a log viewer as a widget in dashboards (along the lines specified in SP-284) so that the widget takes advantage of the Kibana infrastructure.


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                g.brajnik Brajnik, Giorgio
                g.brajnik Brajnik, Giorgio
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                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 3.0

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                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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