Must have
PST AA1 Dynamic Spectrum Recorder
Data Processing
Feature Set Summary
By the end of PI23, the goal of this Epic is to develop PST software that is capable of recording dynamic spectra, with limited resolution options and no coherent de-dispersion, and of being controlled and monitored via CSP.LMC. The output products produced by this mode will provide much longer observing capability to assess the performance of the upstream signal processing and system performance. The PST components completed in this release will include:
Dynamic Spectrum Mode (DSP):
- DSP.CORE.CTRL: configure the Dynamic Spectrum mode
- DSP.CORE.COMM: common base classes for DSP.CORE
- DSP.CORE.UPCK: reads voltage data from SMRB, conversion to floating point
- DSP.CORE.IDD: partially inverts the channelisation performed by the oversampled PFBs produced by the beamformers (no coherent de-dispersion)
- DSP.CORE.SDET: computes the Stokes parameters
- DSP.CORE.AVG: performs spectral and temporal averaging
- DSP.CORE.RPCK: renormalizes and requantises output PSRFITS files to disk
Input Data Monitor (STAT):
- samples the input tied-array voltage data
- generates supplementary statistical quantities (histograms, power spectra, etc.) for assessing data quality and diagnosing problems
- STAT.CORE.CTRL: configures and controls STAT.CORE.MON
Output Data transfer (SEND):
- SEND.ADD: collates outputs from DSP forming PSRFITS search mode files
- SEND.XFER: Transfers PST Dynamic Spectrum output products to SDP
External Simulator (SIM):
- SIM.LMC: simulates LMC/TM interfaces when LMC/TM is absent
- SIM.CBF: simulates CBF data interfaces for testing PST when CBF is absent
- SIM.SDP: simulates SDP output interface for Dynamic Spectrum mode, when SDP is absent
Common Software (COMM):
- COMM.FITS: PSRFITS library supporting dynamic spectrum I/O
TANGO devices required for
- MGMT.DSP: adding Dynamic Spectrum support to TANGO device
- MGMT.STAT: TANGO device providing monitoring of input signal statistics
- MGMT.SEND: TANGO device providing control of SEND component
- MGMT.SIM: TANGO device providing control of SIM component